pythonVersion 2.7.9 pythonImplementation CPython All life \b\s+(\S*)$ false Source data for tree(s) 'tree2' tree2 ^ot:comment ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit ^ot:reasonsToExcludeFromSynthesis ^ot:ottId otu2 otu29 otu34 otu38 otu40 otu43 otu54 otu58 otu66 otu67 ^ot:branchLengthTimeUnit bobthacker 1007159 Hexactinellida ot_1068 Martin Dohrmann, Christopher Kelley, Michelle Kelly, Andrzej Pisera, John N. A. Hooper, Henry M. Reiswig, 2017, 'An integrative systematic framework helps to reconstruct skeletal evolution of glass sponges (Porifera, Hexactinellida)', Frontiers in Zoology, vol. 14, no. 1 2017 porifera sponge 18S 28S 16S cox1 Bathydorus laniger 5669109 Bathydorus laniger Crateromorpha meyeri 103767 Crateromorpha meyeri Nodastrella asconemaoida 966145 Nodastrella asconemaoida Nodastrella nodastrella 459539 Nodastrella nodastrella Aulosaccus mitsukurii 972745 Aulosaccus mitsukurii Rhabdocalyptus dawsoni 459545 Acanthascus dawsoni Caulophacus valdiviae 103768 Caulophacus valdiviae Caulophacus weddelli 612405 Caulophacus weddelli Caulophacus arcticus 612407 Caulophacus arcticus Doconesthes dustinchiversi 5669136 Doconesthes dustinchiversi Rossellinae ngen Lophocalyx profundum 103770 Lophocalyx profundum Caulophacella tenuis 103769 Caulophacella tenuis Sympagella nux 958814 Sympagella nux Leucopsacus sp 758633 Leucopsacus Oopsacas minuta 351698 Oopsacas minuta Euryplegma auriculare 2833446 Euryplegma auriculare Clathrochone clathroclada 459555 Clathrochone clathroclada Atlantisella sp 2832997 Atlantisella Euplectella sp1 758626 Euplectella Euplectella sp2 Vazella pourtalesii 2832803 Vazella pourtalesii Regadrella sp 972752 Regadrella Acoelocalyx brucei 154406 Acoelocalyx brucei Malacosaccus coatsi 154407 Malacosaccus coatsi Docosaccus maculatus 267764 Docosaccus maculatus Bolosominae ngen Rhabdopectella tintinnus 154395 Rhabdopectella tintinnus Bolosoma nsp 99573 Bolosoma Walteria leuckarti 625392 Walteria leuckarti Saccocalyx sp Hertwigia sp 99581 Hertwigia Asconema fristedti 2832879 Asconema fristedti Dactylocalyx sp Dactylocalyx pumiceus 2833045 Dactylocalyx pumiceus Iphiteon panicea 697346 Iphiteon panicea Iphiteon sp Heterorete sp 2833233 Heterorete Aspidoscopulia australia 327318 Aspidoscopulia australia Aspidoscopulia ospreya 982100 Aspidoscopulia ospreya Lonchiphora antarctica 982092 Lonchiphora antarctica Farrea sp 887624 Farrea Lefroyella decora 2833221 Lefroyella decora Symplectella rowi 2832944 Symplectella rowi Verrucocoeloidea liberatorii 5424334 Verrucocoeloidea liberatorii Conorete pourtalesi 5424335 Conorete pourtalesi Heterochone calyx 399206 Heterochone calyx Aphrocallistes vastus 823199 Aphrocallistes vastus Heterochone sp Aphrocallistes beatrix 338948 Aphrocallistes beatrix Sarostegia oculata 982095 Sarostegia oculata Homoieurete macquariense 2833239 Homoieurete macquariense Tretopleura nsp2 Tretopleura nsp1 2833659 Tretopleura Rossella nuda 459543 Rossella nuda Cyrtaulon sigsbeei 2833123 Cyrtaulon sigsbeei Dictyoplax lecus 678779 Dictyoplax lecus Laocoetis perion 2833148 Laocoetis perion Tretodictyum tubulosum 154396 Tretodictyum tubulosum Hexactinella carolinensis 154392 Hexactinella carolinensis Psilocalyx wilsoni 982090 Psilocalyx wilsoni Hyalonema sp4 Hyalonema sp3 Lophophysema eversa 5669141 Lophophysema eversa Hyalonema sp1 235297 Hyalonema Rossella sp 486464 Rossella Tabachnickia sp 2833337 Tabachnickia Sericolophus hawaiicus 154398 Sericolophus hawaiicus Pheronema sp 235296 Pheronema Semperella schulzei 154403 Semperella schulzei Schulzeviella nsp 2833302 Schulzeviella Rossella racovitzae 625389 Rossella racovitzae Bathydorus spinosus 625390 Bathydorus spinosus ot:substitutionCount Maximum likelihood node2 node2 porifera sponge hexactinellida false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true