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Hajdu, T. S. de Paula, N. E. Redmond, B. Cosme, A. G. Collins, G. Lobo-Hajdu, 2013, 'Mycalina: Another Crack in the Poecilosclerida Framework', Integrative and Comparative Biology, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 462-472 2013 porifera sponge 18S P82 Clathria-Th-venosa 2836774 Clathria venosa CCM1773 Ophlitaspongia-papilla 2841540 Ophlitaspongia papilla CCM1794 Spanioplon-armaturum 2838720 Spanioplon armaturum NCI321 Lissodendoryx-Ec-arenar MNRJ15667 Hymedesmia-sp 253722 Hymedesmia NCI025 Crella-incrustans 1047493 Crella incrustans CCM1779 Phorbas-dives 353957 Phorbas dives CCM1778 Phorbas-bihamiger 2838654 Phorbas bihamiger p SI06x98 Hymedesmia-sp CCM1823 Inflatella-pellicula 2838151 Inflatella pellicula NCI037 Ectyonopsis-flabellata 2838413 Ectyonopsis flabellata CCM1771 Myxilla-fimbriata 2838331 Myxilla fimbriata SI06x60 Clathria-sp CCM1783 Plocamiancora-arndti 2838362 Plocamiancora arndti CCM1784 Plocamionida-ambigua 707577 Plocamionida ambigua NCI401 Lissodendoryx-Ac-fibros NCI407 Lissodendoryx-sp 71329 Lissodendoryx NCI409 Lissodendoryx-Ac-fibros AY348881 Phorbas-tenacior 950044 Phorbas tenacior CCM1831 Hamigera-hamigera 2838699 Hamigera hamigera MNRJ15806 Phorbas-amarathus MNRJ15826 Phorbas-sp MNRJ15805 Phorbas-amarathus SI06x56 Clathria-sp MNRJ15773 Phorbas-sp CPM1402 TBD CCM1759 Hemimycale-columella 776729 Hemimycale columella NCI214 Higginsia-anfractuosa 2835473 Higginsia anfractuosa CPM1351 TBD CCM1743 Crella-Yv-rosea 878722 Crella rosea CCM1825 Crella-Cr-elegans 373942 Crella elegans AY348882 Crella-Cr-elegans 373942 Crella elegans CCM1742 Crella-Py-plana 2838759 Crella plana CCM1818 Hymedesmia-Hy-pauperta SI06x52 Clathria-sp CCM1861 cfHymedesmia-sp CCM1750 Lissodenodoryx-Ec-jenj CCM1820 Hymedesmia-Hy-pansa 253723 Hymedesmia pansa ss NCI310 Desmacidon-ectofibro ss CCM1814 Iophon-nigricans p NCI385 Inflatella-sp-nov p CCM1822 Anomomycale-titubans MNRJ15830 TBD EU702421 Iotrochota-birotulata 114011 Iotrochota birotulata SI06x47 Iotrochota-birotulata 114011 Iotrochota birotulata EF092268 Clathria-Cl-prolifera 2836842 Clathria prolifera P12x318 Iotrochota-sp AY737641 Iotrochota-birotulata 114011 Iotrochota birotulata ss P148 Iotrochota-birotulata MNRJ15787 Cornulella-sp MNRJ15770 Cornulella-sp MNRJ15727 Cornulella-sp CCM1824 Eurypon-Ac-pilosella 218826 Acantheurypon pilosella CCM1832 Cyamon-spinispinosum 2841219 Cyamon spinispinosum CCM1732 Antho-An-involvens 303940 Antho involvens NCI322 Antho-Ac-cf-prima CCM1765 Clathria-Mi-armata 2836974 Clathria armata CCM1740 Clathria-Cl-barleei 878716 Clathria barleei MNRJ15792 Acarnus-innominatus 2836739 Acarnus innominatus SI06x89 Clathria-Mi-spinosa 2836895 Clathria spinosa SI06x253 Clathria-Mi-spinosa 2836895 Clathria spinosa MNRJ15704 Clathria-Mi-spinosa 2836895 Clathria spinosa SI06x232 Clathria-Th-venosa 2836774 Clathria venosa ss CCM1835 Clathria-Mi-strepsi NCI444 Echinoclathria-dichotom ss NCI468 Echinochalina-cf-lab MNRJ15715 Clathria-Mi-bulbotox SI06x227 Clathria-Th-venosa 2836774 Clathria venosa CCM1829 Acanthancora-schmidti 2838697 Acanthancora schmidti CCM1865 Desmoxya-pelagiae 2835917 Desmoxya pelagiae CCM1801 Myxilla-ancorata 403500 Myxilla ancorata CCM1809 Tedania-Tr-cf-ferrolen AJ704975 Tedania-Te-ignis 304274 Tedania ignis AY737642 Tedania-Te-ignis 304274 Tedania ignis TOL21 Tedania-Te-ignis 304274 Tedania ignis SI06x136 Tedania-Te-ignis 304274 Tedania ignis NCI397 Tedania-Te-strongylosty SI06x254 Tedania-Te-ignis 304274 Tedania ignis p AF084238 Clathria-Th-reinwar MNRJ15659 Lissodendoryx-Li-sig P06 Lissodendoryx-Li-colombien MNRJ15626 Lissodendoryx-Li-col NCI429 Lissodendoryx-Li-sigmat MNRJ15613 Lissodendoryx-Li-iso MNRJ15615 Lissodendoryx-Li-iso MNRJ15614 Lissodendoryx-Li-iso MNRJ15698 Lissodendoryx-Li-car P12x409 Forcepia-cf-grandisigm NCI034 Forcepia-sp MNRJ15732 Clathria-sp CCM1772 Myxilla-incrustans 945413 Myxilla incrustans CCM1846 Myxilla-cf-rosacea 2838322 Myxilla rosacea ss CCM1812 Myxilla-cf-rosacea p NCI443 Chondropsis-sp HE591468 Desmapsamma-anchorata 16803 Desmapsamma anchorata NCI405 Guitarra-fimbriata-indi MNRJ15793 Mycale-My-alagoana 4939290 Mycale alagoana MNRJ15797 Mycale-My-alagoana 4939290 Mycale alagoana MNRJ15789 Mycale-My-alagoana 4939290 Mycale alagoana MNRJ15796 Mycale-My-alagoana 4939290 Mycale alagoana ss SI06x33 Clathria-Th-schoenu MNRJ15756 Mycale-My-alagoana 4939290 Mycale alagoana MNRJ15733 Mycale-My-sp MNRJ15636 Mycale-Ae-citrina 2837498 Mycale citrina MNRJ15608 Mycale-Pa-sp-nov MNRJ15865 Mycale-Pa-sp MNRJ15642 Mycale-Pa-sp AY737643 Mycale-sp MNRJ15666 Mycale-Zy-angulosa 2837548 Mycale angulosa MNRJ15707 Mycale-Zy-angulosa 2837548 Mycale angulosa CCM1770 Mycale-Ca-subclavata 2837541 Mycale subclavata ss NCI453 Clathria-Th-reinward NCI346 Mycale-Ca-macilenta 2837567 Mycale macilenta CCM1767 Mycale-Ca-macilenta 2837567 Mycale macilenta CCM1768 Mycale-Ca-minima 2837620 Mycale minima CCM1769 Mycale-Ae-rotalis 878724 Mycale rotalis NCI455 Desmacella-lampra 2837399 Desmacella lampra SI06x111 Mycale-Ca-microsigmat MNRJ15842 Mycale-Ar-laxissima 553618 Mycale laxissima MNRJ15841 Mycale-Ar-laxissima 553618 Mycale laxissima ss MNRJ15771 Mycale-sp MNRJ15860 Mycale-Ag-citrina 2837498 Mycale citrina CCM1766 Clathria-Mi-atrasangui NCI445 Mycale-Ar-mirabilis 357706 Mycale mirabilis MNRJ15633 Mycale-Ae-citrina 2837498 Mycale citrina NCI417 Latrunculia-lunaviridis 2837891 Latrunculia lunaviridis ss CCM1836 Sceptrella-biannula NCI384 Tsitsikamma-pedunculata 2837925 Tsitsikamma pedunculata NCI380 Tsitsikamma-favus 253100 Tsitsikamma favus NCI358 Tsitsikamma-scurra 2837924 Tsitsikamma scurra CI06x20 Monanchora-arbuscula 644857 Monanchora arbuscula SI06x186 Monanchora-arbuscula 644857 Monanchora arbuscula CI06x18 Monanchora-arbuscula 644857 Monanchora arbuscula AJ705047 Clathria-Cl-prolifera 2836842 Clathria prolifera TOL23 Monanchora-arbuscula 644857 Monanchora arbuscula EF654524 Crambe-crambe 359086 Crambe crambe p GQ258103 Crambe-crambe NCI049 Diacarnus-bismarckensis 2837334 Diacarnus bismarckensis CCM1826 Neopodospongia-cf-norm FR819687 Negombata-magnifica 986132 Negombata magnifica p AF084239 Negombata-corticata CCM1731 Amphilectus-fucorum 303935 Amphilectus fucorum NCI461 Isodictya-frondosa 2837450 Isodictya frondosa NCI437 Isodictya-compressa 2837472 Isodictya compressa MCISSRRNA Clathria-Cl-prolifer NCI381 Isodictya-frondosa 2837450 Isodictya frondosa CCM1745 Desmacella-cf-annexa 2837405 Desmacella annexa JR19 Desmacella-pumilo NCI335 Xenospongia-patelliform MNRJ15692 Timea-sp MNRJ15786 Tectitethya-sp SI06x262 Merlia-normani 2841292 Merlia normani MNRJ15831 Merlia-normani 2841292 Merlia normani CCM1782 Phorbas-punctatus 2838636 Phorbas punctatus CCM1781 Phorbas-plumosus 2838649 Phorbas plumosus ot:substitutionCount Maximum likelihood node1 ot:bootstrapValues node1 18S porifera sponge false true true true false true false true true true true true true true true true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true true false true false true true false true true true true true true true true true true 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