pythonVersion 2.7.9 pythonImplementation CPython All life false Source data for tree(s) 'tree1' tree1 ^ot:comment ^ot:branchLengthTimeUnit ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit ^ot:reasonsToExcludeFromSynthesis akawahara ot_1085 Adam L. Bazinet, Michael P. Cummings, Kim T. Mitter, Charles W. Mitter, 2013, 'Can RNA-Seq Resolve the Rapid Radiation of Advanced Moths and Butterflies (Hexapoda: Lepidoptera: Apoditrysia)? An Exploratory Study', PLoS ONE, vol. 8, no. 12, p. e82615 2013 PalUn 91816 Palaephatus luteolus MimUn 356671 Lacosoma chiridota StriAlbi 654652 Striacosta albicosta HvUn 742356 Heliothis virescens Hz2Un 167928 Helicoverpa zea Ly3Un 886835 Lymantria dispar Epc3Un 825424 Epicopeia hainesii BbUn 968114 Biston betularia ChlUn 816362 Chlorosea margaretaria IdUn 846945 Idaea CalUn 222203 Calledapteryx dryopterata Tep2Un 1050558 Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis Bommo 440274 Bombyx mori TolUn 413599 Tolype notialis AxUn 139175 Axia (genus in superclass Hexapoda) Do2Un 292159 Doa PCUn 742910 Pseudothyatira cymatophoroides DcyUn 926886 Cyclidia substigmaria GalUn 952256 Galleria mellonella Cr4Un 1022972 Catoptria oregonica AntUn 343046 Antaeotricha schlaegeri DchUn 1008181 Dichomeris punctidiscella YPUn 483577 Yponomeuta multipunctellus PsiUn 786778 Psilocorsis reflexella SskUn 732886 Striglina suzukii EmmUn 863267 Emmelina monodactyla SubUn 1008073 Lactura subfervens ZygUn 465448 Zygaena fausta LagUn 1008125 Megalopyge crispata EucUn 851577 Euclea delphinii ArcUn 5266775 Archaeoses polygrapha CulUn 819038 Synemon plana Ppr2Un 690722 Psychogena CydUn 819146 Cydia pomonella Giv2Un 999233 Givira mucida MarUn 1038302 Spinulata maruga Cul2Un 319505 Culama Prob2Un 881277 Prionoxystus robiniae Cor5Un 868123 Hemerophila diva Ur2Un 744078 Urodus decens PhmUn 5266457 Phymatopus californicus CroUn 3057889 Phaecasiophora niveiguttana ImmUn 731718 Imma tetrascia PodoUn 157659 Podosesia syringae VitUn 157645 Vitacea polistiformis EpiUn 633558 Epipomponia nawai ot:substitutionCount Maximum likelihood node8 node1 false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true