pythonVersion 2.7.9 pythonImplementation CPython All life false Source data for tree(s) 'tree3' tree3 ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar otu10 otu11 otu102 otu115 otu116 otu123 otu125 otu13 otu138 otu14 otu141 otu17 otu24 otu26 otu27 otu31 otu34 otu5 otu51 otu79 otu92 otu96 otu129 otu130 otu44 otu45 otu53 otu54 otu57 otu84 otu97 otu98 ^ot:comment ^ot:branchLengthTimeUnit ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit ^ot:reasonsToExcludeFromSynthesis ^ot:ottId JessicaLWare Jessica L. Ware ot_1104 Jessica Ware, Michael May, Karl Kjer, 2007, 'Phylogeny of the higher Libelluloidea (Anisoptera: Odonata): An exploration of the most speciose superfamily of dragonflies', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 289-310 2007 Macromidia rapida 2 314978 Macromidia rapida Trithemis dorsalis 66570 Trithemis dorsalis TRITHEMIS monardi 393134 Trithemis monardi Atoconerua luxata Acisoma panorpoides 443208 Acisoma panorpoides Nannophya dalei 14802 Nannophya dalei Nannothemis bella 1041881 Nannothemis bella Uracis fastigiata 393144 Uracis fastigiata BRADINOPYGA strachani 543846 Bradinopyga strachani PALPOPLEURA lucia 304374 Palpopleura lucia Palpopleura jucunda 304381 Palpopleura jucunda Macromidia rapida 314978 Macromidia rapida HEMISTIGMA albipuncta 364704 Hemistigma albipuncta Diplacodes haematodes 304819 Diplacodes haematodes Rhodopygia hollandi 3010793 Rhodopygia hollandi Crocothemis erythraea 602058 Crocothemis erythraea Crocothemis servilla 779239 Crocothemis servilia Erythrodpilax miniscula Rhyothemis sp Rhyothemis semihyalina 243023 Rhyothemis semihyalina Tramea onusta 331938 Tramea onusta Dasythemis esmeralda 542467 Dasythemis esmeralda Pseudocordulia circularis 465627 Pseudocordulia circularis Tramea lacerata 340907 Tramea lacerata Hydrobasileus brevistylus 364709 Hydrobasileus brevistylus Miathyria marcella 996472 Miathyria marcella Brachydiplax denticudata Zygonyx natalensis 600690 Zygonyx natalensis Zygonyx torrida Huonia oreophila 1034464 Huonia oreophila Nannophlebia risi 1041885 Nannophlebia risi Onychothemis culminicola 89658 Onychothemis culminicola Onychothemis testacea 619688 Onychothemis testacea Cordulephya pygmea Onychothemis testace 2 619688 Onychothemis testacea Urothemis assignata 465211 Urothemis assignata Aethriamanta rezia 465621 Aethriamanta rezia Macrodiplax balteata 369357 Macrodiplax balteata Macrothemis celeno 314967 Macrothemis celeno Macromia illionoiensis 89663 Macromia illinoiensis Didymops transversa 393139 Didymops transversa Phyllomacromia hervei 3012106 Phyllomacromia hervei Phyllomacromia sp Macromia urania 495372 Macromia urania Micromidia artifrons Epophthalmia 493866 Epophthalmia Sinorogomphus sp Chloropetalia soarer 415164 Chloropetalia soarer Syncordulia gracilis 465623 Syncordulia gracilis Oxygastra curtisii 390133 Oxygastra curtisii Hespercordulia berthoudi Lathrocordulia metallica 566132 Lathrocordulia metallica Austrocordulia refracta 414707 Austrocordulia refracta Austrophya mystica 414704 Austrophya mystica Choristhemis flavoterminata 992065 Choristhemis flavoterminata Eusynthemis brevistyla 992069 Eusynthemis brevistyla Synthemiopsis gomphomacromioides 450149 Synthemiopsis gomphomacromioides Synthemis leachii Synthemis eustalacta 992061 Synthemis eustalacta Gomphomacromia sp Cordulia shurtleffi Archaeophya magnifica 414710 Archaeophya magnifica Aeshnosoma forcipula 991654 Aeschnosoma forcipula Anotogaster sieboldii 791247 Anotogaster sieboldii Pentathemis membranulata 566128 Pentathemis membranulata Neurocordula obsoleta Neurocordulia xanthosoma 566144 Neurocordulia xanthosoma Somatochlora tenebrosa 243027 Somatochlora tenebrosa Cordulia annurensis Somatochlora graeseri 491666 Somatochlora graeseri Tetragoneuria cynosura 66576 Tetragoneuria cynosura Epitheca princeps 414716 Epitheca princeps Procordulia smithii 243035 Procordulia smithii Procordulia grayi 243032 Procordulia grayi Kalyptogaster erronea 276211 Kalyptogaster erronea Helocordulia uhleri 269214 Helocordulia uhleri Cordulia aenea 725586 Cordulia aenea Hemicordulia tau 269223 Hemicordulia tau Calophlebia interposita 639807 Calophlebia interposita Tetrathemis polleni 1094269 Tetrathemis polleni Tetrathemis polleni 2 1094269 Tetrathemis polleni Scapanea frontalis 1041872 Scapanea frontalis Paltothemis lineatipes 1041878 Paltothemis lineatipes Macrothemis hemichlora 314964 Macrothemis hemichlora Brechmorhoga mendax 485590 Brechmorhoga mendax Zoreanea bilineata Dythemis fugax 230772 Dythemis fugax Panama specimen DYTHEMis muLTIPUNCTATA 542491 Dythemis multipunctata Zenithoptera fasciata 3 465199 Zenithoptera fasciata Zenithoptera fasciata 465199 Zenithoptera fasciata Elga leptostyla 940342 Elga leptostyla Erythemis simplicollis 691829 Erythemis simplicicollis Libellula quadrimaculata sweden 117550 Libellula quadrimaculata Pachydiplax longipennis 117555 Pachydiplax longipennis Micrathyria aequalis 89660 Micrathyria aequalis Cordulegaster maculatus 545024 Cordulegaster maculata BRACHYTHEMIS leucosticta 1034507 Brachythemis leucosticta Deielia phaon 1097482 Deielia phaon Tholymis tillarga 66573 Tholymis tillarga Zyxomma petiolatum 448022 Zyxomma petiolatum Zyxomma elgneri 465194 Zyxomma elgneri CHALCOSTEPHIa flavifrons 416977 Chalcostephia flavifrons Idiataphe 364716 Idiataphe Nannophyopsis clara 3010920 Nannophyopsis clara Celithemis elisa 968673 Celithemis elisa leucorrhinia intacta 163965 Leucorrhinia intacta Taeniogaster obliqua 415171 Taeniogaster obliqua Leucorrhinia glacialis 163970 Leucorrhinia glacialis Sympetrum corruptum 874619 Sympetrum corruptum Sympetrum janae 243011 Sympetrum janeae Plathemis lydia 874624 Plathemis lydia Orthetrum hintzi 3010574 Orthetrum hintzi psudothemis zonata 205225 Pseudothemis zonata Orthetrum austeni 3010535 Orthetrum austeni Orthetrum abbotti 89656 Orthetrum abbotti Orthetrum pruinosum neglectum 5972510 Orthetrum pruinosum neglectum Orthetrum sp Neopetalia punctata 1000129 Neopetalia punctata Orthetrum julia 14796 Orthetrum julia Ladona julia 691833 Ladona julia Libellula luctuosa 117548 Libellula luctuosa Libellula puchella 569005 Libellula pulchella Libellula quadrimaculata 117550 Libellula quadrimaculata Nesciothemis min 1015727 Nesciothemis minor Neodythemis pauliani 89650 Neodythemis pauliani Lokia incongruens 3011137 Lokia incongruens Hadrothemis defecta 1034458 Hadrothemis defecta Lyriothemis pachygastra 139081 Lyriothemis pachygastra Idionyx selysi 45098 Idionyx selysi Rialla villosa 602796 Rialla villosa ORTHEMIS ferruginea 1078026 Orthemis ferruginea Misagria species parana Agrionoptera longitudinalis 1034503 Agrionoptera longitudinalis Brachymesia furcata 3010785 Brachymesia furcata Perithemis tenera 739129 Perithemis tenera elasmothemis cannacriodes Pantala flavescens 2 822918 Pantala flavescens Pantala flavescens 822918 Pantala flavescens Sympetrum ambiguum 243007 Sympetrum ambiguum ot:changesCount Bayesian inference node4 node3 false true true true true true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true 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