pythonVersion 2.7.9 pythonImplementation CPython All life $1 ([A-Z][a-z]*)([0-9]*) Zanthoxylum ^Z Tetradium ^Te Toddalia ^To Phellodendron ^P Melicope ^M Fagaropsis ^F Acronychia ^A Bourland\d+ false Source data for tree(s) 'tree1' tree1 ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar otu102 otu103 otu104 otu105 otu106 otu107 otu108 otu109 otu110 otu13 otu14 otu2 otu40 otu41 otu53 otu68 otu69 otu70 otu71 otu75 otu82 otu11 otu12 otu111 otu112 otu114 otu78 otu16 otu17 otu19 otu20 otu22 otu23 otu24 otu25 otu26 otu27 otu28 otu30 otu31 otu32 otu33 otu34 otu35 otu36 otu37 otu38 otu39 otu42 otu43 otu46 otu47 otu48 otu55 otu56 otu57 otu58 otu59 otu60 otu63 otu64 otu65 otu66 otu67 otu7 otu8 otu9 otu79 otu80 otu81 otu90 otu91 otu92 otu93 otu94 otu95 otu96 otu97 otu98 otu99 ^ot:comment ^ot:branchLengthTimeUnit ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit ^ot:reasonsToExcludeFromSynthesis ^ot:ottId LukeKlicka 43847 Rutaceae ot_1354 Marc S. Appelhans, Niklas Reichelt, Milton Groppo, Claudia Paetzold, Jun Wen, 2018, 'Phylogeny and biogeography of the pantropical genus Zanthoxylum and its closest relatives in the proto-Rutaceae group (Rutaceae)', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 126, pp. 31-44 2018 Apedunculata6834 891870 Acronychia pedunculata Teglabrifolium12154 164592 Tetradium glabrifolium Zschinifolium12055 237365 Zanthoxylum schinifolium Zsetulosum182 951330 Zanthoxylum setulosum Zsimulans706 889927 Zanthoxylum simulans Zsimulans733 889927 Zanthoxylum simulans Zspec12412 Zspec12413 Zspec25121 Zspec30354 Zspec3356 Zspec4494 Teruticarpum22387 976536 Tetradium ruticarpum Zspec636 Ztahitense1038 6125761 Zanthoxylum tahitense Ztahitense18007 6125761 Zanthoxylum tahitense Zthomasianum0769A 3942446 Zanthoxylum thomasianum Ztingoassuiba1179 164612 Zanthoxylum nitidum Zviride11383 6125780 Zanthoxylum viride Zzanthoxyloides1251 6125784 Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides TeruticarpumNA 976536 Tetradium ruticarpum Tespec13348 Tespec13365 Tetrichotomum2217 760761 Tetradium trichotomum Toasiatica13271 232693 Toddalia asiatica Toasiatica2104 232693 Toddalia asiatica Zacuminatum1120 488009 Zanthoxylum acuminatum Zailanthoides12508 806818 Zanthoxylum ailanthoides Fspec3059 Zailanthoides18323 806818 Zanthoxylum ailanthoides Zamericanum542 760765 Zanthoxylum americanum Zarmatum12410 499514 Zanthoxylum armatum Zarmatum12476 499514 Zanthoxylum armatum Zarmatum13308 499514 Zanthoxylum armatum Zarmatum13835 499514 Zanthoxylum armatum Zarmatum4769 499514 Zanthoxylum armatum Zavicennae12808 760763 Zanthoxylum avicennae Zavicennae13311 760763 Zanthoxylum avicennae Zbeecheyanum12812 743556 Zanthoxylum beecheyanum Mclusiifolia12406 528101 Melicope clusiifolia Zbrachyacanthum25206 488001 Zanthoxylum brachyacanthum Zbrachyacanthum28159 488001 Zanthoxylum brachyacanthum Zbungeanum13225 889918 Zanthoxylum bungeanum Zbungeanum13252 889918 Zanthoxylum bungeanum Zbungeanum1541 889918 Zanthoxylum bungeanum Zcaribaeum5332 426038 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Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Tefraxinifolium24087 5747647 Tetradium fraxinifolium Zovalifolium29095 1013998 Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Zovalifolium2967 1013998 Zanthoxylum ovalifolium ZovatifoliolatumSWA376 Zoxyphyllum2916 1014002 Zanthoxylum oxyphyllum Zpaniculatum001 6125719 Zanthoxylum paniculatum Zpetiolare1970 5747734 Zanthoxylum petiolare Zpinnatum282 5233129 Zanthoxylum pinnatum Zpiperitum13505 164606 Zanthoxylum piperitum ZpoggeiBourland1 6125732 Zanthoxylum poggei Zretusum2039 6125741 Zanthoxylum retusum Tefraxinifolium26035 5747647 Tetradium fraxinifolium Zrhodoxylon11907 5233131 Zanthoxylum rhodoxylum Zrhodoxylon11923 5233131 Zanthoxylum rhodoxylum Zrhoifolium1057 924363 Zanthoxylum rhoifolium Zrhoifolium33275 924363 Zanthoxylum rhoifolium Zriedelianum1342 1014004 Zanthoxylum riedelianum Zriedelianum1518 1014004 Zanthoxylum riedelianum Zriedelianum750 1014004 Zanthoxylum riedelianum Zscandens13279 5233130 Zanthoxylum scandens Zscandens2064 5233130 Zanthoxylum scandens Zscandens30307 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