Haudry A.V. Burlet N. Sessegolo C. Sessegolo C., Burlet N., & Haudry A.V. 2017-02-10 Biology Letters genome size; phylogenetic inertia; transposable elements; flies Strong phylogenetic inertia on genome size and transposable element content among 26 species of flies Sessegolo C., Burlet N., & Haudry A.V. 2016. Strong phylogenetic inertia on genome size and transposable element content among 26 species of flies. Biology Letters, 12(8). pythonVersion 2.7.9 pythonImplementation CPython Insects false ^dc:contributor ^dc:creator ^dc:date ^dc:publisher ^dc:subject ^dc:title ^dcterms:bibliographicCitation ^ot:comment ^prism:creationDate ^prism:doi ^prism:modificationDate ^prism:number ^prism:publicationDate ^prism:publicationName ^prism:section ^prism:volume ^skos:changeNote ^skos:historyNote ^tb:identifier.study ^tb:title.study @label ^skos:historyNote @label ^skos:historyNote @label ^ot:branchLengthTimeUnit ^ot:nodeLabelDescription ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit ^ot:reasonsToExcludeFromSynthesis ^tb:kind.tree ^tb:ntax.tree ^tb:quality.tree ^tb:type.tree ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues Kaitlin Allen 34907 Drosophila ot_1362 Sessegolo C., Burlet N., & Haudry A.V. 2016. Strong phylogenetic inertia on genome size and transposable element content among 26 species of flies. Biology Letters, 12(8). 2016 2016-05-15 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0407 2017-02-10 8 2016 Biology Letters Study 12 Generated on Sun Jun 10 21:03:33 UTC 2018 Mapped from TreeBASE schema using org.cipres.treebase.domain.nexus.nexml.NexmlDocumentWriter@3fd14739 $Rev$ 19296 Strong phylogenetic inertia on genome size and transposable element content among 26 species of flies Mapped from TreeBASE schema using org.cipres.treebase.domain.nexus.nexml.NexmlOTUWriter@7c94f83d $Rev$ Drosophila ficusphila 218755 Drosophila ficusphila Drosophila malerkotliana 793223 Drosophila malerkotliana Drosophila persimilis 1082274 Drosophila persimilis Drosophila melanogaster 505714 Drosophila melanogaster Drosophila sechellia 1082282 Drosophila sechellia Drosophila mauritiana 505718 Drosophila mauritiana Drosophila pseudoobscura 1082272 Drosophila pseudoobscura Drosophila santomea 549044 Drosophila santomea Drosophila simulans 660828 Drosophila simulans Drosophila rhopaloa 644198 Drosophila rhopaloa Drosophila erecta 505707 Drosophila erecta Drosophila eugracilis 431225 Drosophila eugracilis Drosophila busckii 661518 Drosophila busckii Drosophila kikkawai 793217 Drosophila kikkawai (species in domain Eukaryota) Drosophila miranda 505719 Drosophila miranda Drosophila lowei 821295 Drosophila lowei Drosophila yakuba 660820 Drosophila yakuba Drosophila elegans 218759 Drosophila elegans Drosophila americana 534107 Drosophila americana Drosophila biarmipes 956240 Drosophila biarmipes Drosophila suzukii 227752 Drosophila suzukii Drosophila ananassae 34911 Drosophila ananassae Drosophila virilis 660821 Drosophila virilis Drosophila bipectinata 733212 Drosophila bipectinata Drosophila takahashii 1008043 Drosophila takahashii Drosophila mojavensis 1082279 Drosophila mojavensis Mapped from TreeBASE schema using org.cipres.treebase.domain.nexus.nexml.NexmlTreeBlockWriter@37352a7b $Rev$ ot:changesCount Maximum likelihood Tn14041193 ot:bootstrapValues Tn14041193 false Species Tree 26 Unrated Single true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true 52 100 100 100 100 48 78 99 100 66 91 38 36 48 47 37 93 92 100 100 91 100