pythonVersion 2.7.9 pythonImplementation CPython All life Etheostoma E squamiceps squ basilare bas virgatum vir corona cor obeyense oby derivativum der smithi smi striatulum str forbesi for olivaceum oli neopterum neo pseudovulatum pse oophylax oop chienense chi vitreum vit longimanum lon podostemone pod olmstedi olm crossopterum cro susanae sus boschungi bos tuscumbia tus palididorsum pal cragini cra punctulatum pun kennicotti ken marmorpinnum mmp flabellare fla barbouri bar percnurum pcn brevispinum bsp $1 ^(\S*\s+\S*).* false Source data for tree(s) 'tree1' tree1 ^ot:comment ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit ^ot:reasonsToExcludeFromSynthesis ^ot:ottId otu10 otu8 otu9 otu100 otu101 otu102 otu103 otu104 otu105 otu106 otu93 otu94 otu95 otu96 otu97 otu98 otu99 otu107 otu108 otu109 otu11 otu12 otu13 otu110 otu111 otu112 otu18 otu19 otu20 otu21 otu46 otu47 otu51 otu52 otu53 otu113 otu114 otu115 otu116 otu117 otu118 otu119 otu120 otu121 otu122 otu123 otu124 otu125 otu14 otu15 otu16 otu17 otu2 otu3 otu4 otu22 otu23 otu24 otu25 otu26 otu27 otu28 otu29 otu30 otu32 otu35 otu36 otu31 otu33 otu34 otu37 otu38 otu39 otu40 otu41 otu42 otu43 otu44 otu45 otu48 otu49 otu50 otu5 otu6 otu7 otu54 otu55 otu56 otu57 otu58 otu59 otu60 otu61 otu62 otu63 otu64 otu65 otu66 otu67 otu68 otu69 otu70 otu71 otu72 otu73 otu74 otu75 otu76 otu77 otu78 otu79 otu80 otu81 otu82 otu83 otu84 otu85 otu88 otu89 otu86 otu87 otu90 otu91 otu92 ^ot:branchLengthTimeUnit Pietro de Mello 186478 Percidae ot_1496 Richard C. Harrington, Thomas J. Near, 2015, 'Phylogenetic relationships of Goneaperca and the evolution of parental care in darters (Teleostei: Percidae)', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 84, pp. 158-165 2015 PauaA 137378 Percina aurantiaca EsquK 875056 Etheostoma squamiceps EbasFD 1028738 Etheostoma basilare EbasFE 1028738 Etheostoma basilare EbasDO 1028738 Etheostoma basilare EbasDR 1028738 Etheostoma basilare EbasFV 1028738 Etheostoma basilare EbasFG 1028738 Etheostoma basilare EbasFH 1028738 Etheostoma basilare EvirE 848589 Etheostoma virgatum EvirF 848589 Etheostoma virgatum EvirG 848589 Etheostoma virgatum EcorI 399805 Etheostoma corona EbckA EbckB EbckJ EobyB 84336 Etheostoma obeyense EobyA 84336 Etheostoma obeyense EobyX 84336 Etheostoma obeyense EderB 1028741 Etheostoma derivativum EderZ 1028741 Etheostoma derivativum EderH 1028741 Etheostoma derivativum EsmiAC 848582 Etheostoma smithi EcorD 399805 Etheostoma corona EsmiA 848582 Etheostoma smithi EsmiW 848582 Etheostoma smithi EstrA 848586 Etheostoma striatulum EstrD 848586 Etheostoma striatulum EstrC 848586 Etheostoma striatulum EstrF 848586 Etheostoma striatulum EcorG 399805 Etheostoma corona EforA 399810 Etheostoma forbesi EforAB 399810 Etheostoma forbesi EforDD 399810 Etheostoma forbesi EforDE 399810 Etheostoma forbesi EnigAJ EnigCL EoliA 875061 Etheostoma olivaceum EnigBJ EnigDO EneoD 208145 Etheostoma neopterum EneoB 208145 Etheostoma neopterum EneoG 208145 Etheostoma neopterum EpseB 275986 Etheostoma pseudovulatum EpseA 275986 Etheostoma pseudovulatum EpseN 275986 Etheostoma pseudovulatum EoopAT 39821 Etheostoma oophylax EoopAV 39821 Etheostoma oophylax EoliD 875061 Etheostoma olivaceum EoopBB 39821 Etheostoma oophylax EchiC 84222 Etheostoma chienense EoopAI 39821 Etheostoma oophylax EchiB 84222 Etheostoma chienense EchiD 84222 Etheostoma chienense EoopAF 39821 Etheostoma oophylax EoopAP 39821 Etheostoma oophylax EvitB 150610 Etheostoma vitreum EvitA 150610 Etheostoma vitreum EvitC 150610 Etheostoma vitreum EoliF 875061 Etheostoma olivaceum ElonA 26375 Etheostoma longimanum ElonC 26375 Etheostoma longimanum ElonN 26375 Etheostoma longimanum EpodAB 390358 Etheostoma podostemone EpodAA 390358 Etheostoma podostemone EpodB 390358 Etheostoma podostemone EperA EperC EolmAF 896996 Etheostoma olmstedi EolmAG 896996 Etheostoma olmstedi EcroAD 399802 Etheostoma crossopterum EolmC 896996 Etheostoma olmstedi EngrA EngrD EngrB EsusB 26366 Etheostoma susanae EsusC 26366 Etheostoma susanae EsusD 26366 Etheostoma susanae EbosD 846801 Etheostoma boschungi EbosA 846801 Etheostoma boschungi EbosC 846801 Etheostoma boschungi EcroAI 399802 Etheostoma crossopterum EtusC 150583 Etheostoma tuscumbia EtusA 150583 Etheostoma tuscumbia EtusD 150583 Etheostoma tuscumbia EpalA 865481 Etheostoma pallididorsum EpalB 865481 Etheostoma pallididorsum EcraA 322405 Etheostoma cragini EcraB 322405 Etheostoma cragini EcraC 322405 Etheostoma cragini EcraD 322405 Etheostoma cragini EpunC 957687 Etheostoma punctulatum EcroJ 399802 Etheostoma crossopterum EpunJ 957687 Etheostoma punctulatum EpunH 957687 Etheostoma punctulatum EpunI 957687 Etheostoma punctulatum EpunE 957687 Etheostoma punctulatum EpunF 957687 Etheostoma punctulatum EpunM 957687 Etheostoma punctulatum EpunK 957687 Etheostoma punctulatum EpunL 957687 Etheostoma punctulatum EkenA 390362 Etheostoma kennicotti EkenD 390362 Etheostoma kennicotti EsquQ 875056 Etheostoma squamiceps EkenH 390362 Etheostoma kennicotti EmmpM 958706 Etheostoma marmorpinnum EmmpN 958706 Etheostoma marmorpinnum EpcnA 848624 Etheostoma percnurum EpcnL 848624 Etheostoma percnurum EflaA 790831 Etheostoma flabellare EbspA 432908 Etheostoma brevispinum EbspB 432908 Etheostoma brevispinum EflaB 790831 Etheostoma flabellare EflaC 790831 Etheostoma flabellare EsquF 875056 Etheostoma squamiceps EbarA 208154 Etheostoma barbouri EbarE 208154 Etheostoma barbouri EbarF 208154 Etheostoma barbouri EbasBZ 1028738 Etheostoma basilare EbasCT 1028738 Etheostoma basilare EbasM 1028738 Etheostoma basilare EbasCK 1028738 Etheostoma basilare EbasCA 1028738 Etheostoma basilare EbasEM 1028738 Etheostoma basilare EbasDA 1028738 Etheostoma basilare ot:undefined Bayesian inference node3 node1 false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true