pythonVersion 2.7.9 pythonImplementation CPython Mammals false Source data for tree(s) 'tree1' tree1 Source data for tree(s) 'tree1' tree1 ^ot:comment ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit ^ot:reasonsToExcludeFromSynthesis Jonathan Chang Joe Miller 655808 Cebinae ot_1639 Marcela G.M. Lima, José de Sousa e Silva-Júnior, David Černý, Janet C. Buckner, Alexandre Aleixo, Jonathan Chang, Jimmy Zheng, Michael E. Alfaro, Amely Martins, Anthony Di Fiore, Jean P. Boubli, Jessica W. Lynch Alfaro, 2018, 'A phylogenomic perspective on the robust capuchin monkey ( Sapajus ) radiation: First evidence for extensive population admixture across South America', Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, vol. 124, pp. 137-150 2018 Cebus kaapori 913292 Cebus kaapori Sapajus libidinosus 748283 Sapajus libidinosus Sapajus nigritus 411831 Sapajus nigritus Sapajus robustus 886281 Sapajus nigritus robustus Sapajus xanthosternos 331561 Sapajus xanthosternos Cebus olivaceus 913293 Cebus olivaceus Cebus capucinus 217252 Cebus capucinus Cebus albifrons 197032 Cebus albifrons Cebus unicolor 6145189 Cebus unicolor Sapajus apella 197026 Sapajus apella Sapajus cay 775268 Sapajus cay Sapajus macrocephalus 5857441 Sapajus apella macrocephalus Sapajus flavius 299416 Sapajus flavius ot:undefined Quartets tree1_ROOT tree1_ROOT false true true true true true true true true true true true true true