pythonVersion 2.7.16 pythonImplementation CPython false All life false Source data for tree(s) 'tree1' tree1 ^ot:comment ^ot:branchLengthTimeUnit ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit ^ot:reasonsToExcludeFromSynthesis Christine Ewers-Saucedo ot_2033 Chan, B. K. K., Dreyer, N., Gale, A. S., Glenner, H., Ewers-Saucedo, C., Pérez-Losada, M., … Høeg, J. T. (2021). The evolutionary diversity of barnacles, with an updated classification of fossil and living forms. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa160 2021 Triangulidae 6520338 Triangulidae Sacculinidae 809944 Sacculinidae Parthenopeidae 5756404 Parthenopeidae Peltogastridae 218055 Peltogastridae Mycetomorphidae 2959341 Mycetomorphidae Iblidae 143506 Iblidae Idioiblidae 5093019 Idioiblidae Pollicipedidae 211218 Pollicipedidae Lithotryidae 5756405 Lithotryidae Calanticidae 313209 Calanticidae Heteralepadidae 806710 Heteralepadidae Chthamalophilidae 468101 Chthamalophilidae Lepadidae 809945 Lepadidae Poecilasmatidae 663612 Poecilasmatidae Scalpelidae 152045 Scalpellidae Neolepadidae 5781964 Neolepadinae Neoverrucidae 990746 Neoverrucidae Neobrachylepadidae 2958879 Neobrachylepadidae Verrucidae 989696 Verrucidae Chionelasmatidae 5756425 Chionelasmatidae Waikalasmatidae 5782136 Waikalasmatidae Pachylasmatidae 661445 Pachylasmatidae Duplorbidae 2959479 Duplorbidae Catophragmidae 365658 Catophragmidae Chthamalidae 663620 Chthamalidae Elminidae 5756435 Elminiinae Austrobalanidae 2958796 Austrobalanidae Bathylasmatidae 2958808 Bathylasmatinae Tetraclitidae 663617 Tetraclitidae Chelonibiidae 2958841 Chelonibiidae Coronulidae 663618 Coronulidae Balanidae 959165 Balanidae Pyrgomatidae 293051 Pyrgomatidae Pirusaccidae 6520341 Pirusaccidae Lithoglyptidae 235797 Lithoglyptidae Trypetesidae 293037 Trypetesidae Cryptophialidae 5092913 Cryptophialidae Synagogidae 2959215 Synagogidae Lauridae 1010498 Lauridae Petrarciae 1083514 Petrarcidae Ascothoracidae 2959298 Ascothoracidae Dendrogastridae 806709 Dendrogastridae Ctenosculidae 2959302 Ctenosculidae Facetotecta 1040185 Facetotecta Thompsoniidae 47717 Thompsoniidae Polysaccidae 269156 Polysaccidae Clistosaccidae 40996 Clistosaccidae Polyascidae 6520340 Polyascidae Peltogasterellidae 6520339 Peltogasterellidae ot:undefined node1 node1 false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true