pythonVersion 2.7.16 pythonImplementation CPython false Tetrapods \bsp(\.|\b) true Source data for tree(s) 'tree1' tree1 ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar @label otu1 otu12 otu13 otu14 otu15 otu18 otu2 otu23 otu25 otu26 otu29 otu30 otu31 otu32 otu34 otu35 otu36 otu37 otu40 otu41 ^ot:comment ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit ^ot:reasonsToExcludeFromSynthesis rootedge ^ot:ottId Randy Posada eliotmiller Emily Jane McTavish jwaterford 81461 Aves ot_2083 Yonezawa, T., Segawa, T., Mori, H., Campos, P. F., Hongoh, Y., Endo, H., Akiyoshi, A., Kohno, N., Nishida, S., Wu, J., Jin, H., Adachi, J., Kishino, H., Kurokawa, K., Nogi, Y., Tanabe, H., Mukoyama, H., Yoshida, K., Rasoamiaramanana, A., … Hasegawa, M. (2017). Phylogenomics and Morphology of Extinct Paleognaths Reveal the Origin and Evolution of the Ratites. Current Biology, 27(1), 68–77. 2017 Aepyornis maximus Casuarius bennetti 402459 Casuarius bennetti Dinornis giganteus 576657 Dinornis giganteus Megalapteryx didinus Anomalopteryx didiformis Emeus crassus Pachyornis australis Eudromia elegans 292461 Eudromia elegans Nothoprocta perdicaria 402446 Nothoprocta perdicaria Crypturellus Tinamus major 402466 Tinamus major Mullerornis sp. Rhea americana 857864 Rhea americana Pterocnemia pennata 857860 Pterocnemia pennata Struthio camelus 647692 Struthio camelus Anatidae Anseranas semipalmata 714464 Anseranas semipalmata Anhimidae Crax Gallus gallus 153563 Gallus gallus Meleagris 446481 Meleagris Gavia Apteryx australis mantelli 748998 Apteryx australis mantelli Procellariidae Sphenisciformes 1 Sphenisciformes 2 Haematopus ater 918965 Haematopus ater Rostratulidae Jacanidae Apodi Trochili Melopsittacus undulatus 734818 Melopsittacus undulatus Acanthisitta chloris 1085740 Acanthisitta chloris Apteryx rowi 165688 Apteryx rowi Tyranni Passeri Alligator 335593 Alligator Caiman 335589 Caiman Apteryx australis 241834 Apteryx australis Apteryx owenii 241844 Apteryx owenii Apteryx haastii 241836 Apteryx haastii Dromaius novaehollandiae 829513 Dromaius novaehollandiae Casuarius casuarius 589152 Casuarius casuarius ot:time Myr Bayesian inference node2 node1 false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true false true true true true true true true true true true true