pythonVersion 2.7.16 pythonImplementation CPython true Animals false Source data for tree(s) 'tree1' tree1 Source data for tree(s) 'tree2' tree2 ^ot:comment ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit ^ot:reasonsToExcludeFromSynthesis ^ot:ottId otu1 otu13 otu26 otu5 Bruce S Lieberman acornmonkey Benjamin Redelings Mark T. Holder ot_2194 Stearn, C. (2011). Treatise Online, no. 12, Part E, Revised, Volume 4, Chapter 15B: Classification of the Paleozoic Stromatoporoidea. Treatise Online, 0(0). 2011 Pulchrilaminida Actinodictyidae 2843576 Actinodictyidae Gerronostromatidae 4940038 Gerronostromatidae Tienodictyidae 2842785 Tienodictyidae Anostylostromatidae Atelodictyidae 2843170 Atelodictyidae Actinostromatidae 4940206 Actinostromatidae Pseudolabechiidae 2842950 Pseudolabechiidae Actinostromellidae 2842952 Actinostromellidae Densastromatidae 2843068 Densastromatidae Stromatoporellidae 4940250 Stromatoporellidae Amphiporidae 1048267 Amphiporidae Trupetostromatidae 2842705 Trupetostromatidae Idiostromatidae 2843590 Idiostromatidae Stromatoporidae 4939981 Stromatoporidae Ferestromatoporidae 2843337 Ferestromatoporidae Syringostromellidae 4939920 Syringostromellidae Coenostromatidae 2843698 Coenostromatidae Parallelostromatidae Stachyoditidae 4940165 Stachyoditidae Acanthochaetetes Willardia Rosenellidae 4940239 Rosenellidae Calcisuberites Chaetopsis Pachytheca Chaetetes Boswelia Pseudoseptifer Calcispirastrella Calcichondrilla Calcistella Merlia Labechiidae 4940155 Labechiidae Chaetosclera Neuropora Stromatoaxinella Astrosclera Cassianochaetetes Ceratoporella Goreauiella Hispidoptera Spherolichaetetes Stromatospongia Platiferostromatidae Milleporella Dehornella Murania Parastromatopora Promillepora Shuqraia Steinerina Actinostromaria Actostroma Actinostromarianina Stylostromatidae 2843008 Stylostromatidae Blastoporella Kemeria Keriocoelia Leiospongia Sclerocoelia Sobralispongia Calcifibrospongia Euzkadiella Spongonewellia Vaceletia Aulaceratidae 2842782 Aulaceratidae Burgundia Atrochaetetes Bauneia Blastochaetetes Meandriptera Ptychochaetetes Varioparietes Lophiostromatidae 2843273 Lophiostromatidae Clathrodictyidae 2842837 Clathrodictyidae ot:undefined Morphology based classification tree1_ROOT tree1_ROOT false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true