Voglmayr H. Lechat C. Jaklitsch W.M. Jaklitsch W.M., Lechat C., & Voglmayr H. 2014-03-31 Mycologia Trichoderma Thuemenella tef1 rpb2 pyrenomycetes Hypocreales Hypocreaceae Hypocrea Ascomycota The rise and fall of Sarawakus (Hypocreaceae, Ascomycota) Jaklitsch W.M., Lechat C., & Voglmayr H. 2014. The rise and fall of Sarawakus (Hypocreaceae, Ascomycota). Mycologia, 106(1): 133-144. pythonVersion 2.7.9 pythonImplementation CPython All life $1 ^(\S*\s+\S*).* $1 ^(\S*\s+\S*).* true ^dc:contributor ^dc:creator ^dc:date ^dc:publisher ^dc:subject ^dc:title ^dcterms:bibliographicCitation ^ot:comment ^prism:creationDate ^prism:doi ^prism:endingPage ^prism:modificationDate ^prism:number ^prism:pageRange ^prism:publicationDate ^prism:publicationName ^prism:section ^prism:startingPage ^prism:volume ^skos:changeNote ^skos:historyNote ^tb:identifier.study ^tb:title.study @label ^skos:historyNote ^skos:prefLabel ^skos:prefLabel ^skos:prefLabel ^skos:prefLabel @label Tl1452708 Tl1452735 Tl1452757 ^skos:historyNote ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit ^tb:kind.tree ^tb:ntax.tree ^tb:quality.tree ^tb:type.tree ^ot:ottId Tr72538 Romina Gazis 728370 Hypocreaceae false ot_393 W. M. Jaklitsch, C. Lechat, H. Voglmayr, 2014, 'The rise and fall of Sarawakus (Hypocreaceae, Ascomycota)', Mycologia vol. 106 no. 1 133-144 2014 2013-05-23 10.3852/13-117 144 2014-03-31 1 133-144 2014 Mycologia Study 133 106 Generated on Tue Sep 01 15:39:59 EDT 2015 Mapped from TreeBASE schema using org.cipres.treebase.domain.nexus.nexml.NexmlDocumentWriter@19b9524c $Rev: 1060 $ 14278 Sarawakus Mapped from TreeBASE schema using org.cipres.treebase.domain.nexus.nexml.NexmlOTUWriter@4b906611 $Rev: 1040 $ Trichoderma britannicum Trichoderma britannicum SB1 Trichoderma cremeum 789770 Trichoderma cremeum Hypocrea lixii 5342533 Hypocrea lixii Hypocrea danica 744699 Hypocrea danica Trichoderma ceraceum 4058255 Trichoderma ceraceum Trichoderma tawa 4058288 Trichoderma tawa Trichoderma chlorosporum 480604 Trichoderma chlorosporum Trichoderma chromospermum 793429 Trichoderma chromospermum Hypocrea virescentiflava 218912 Hypocrea virescentiflava Trichoderma thailandicum 337582 Trichoderma thailandicum Trichoderma candidum 4058256 Trichoderma candidum Trichoderma estonicum 449306 Trichoderma estonicum Trichoderma spirale 780785 Trichoderma spirale Trichoderma stramineum 4058292 Trichoderma stramineum Trichoderma longipile 221091 Trichoderma longipilis Hypocrea longipilosa Trichoderma dacrymycellum 640808 Trichoderma dacrymycellum Trichoderma stromaticum 5816 Trichoderma stromaticum Trichoderma guizhouense 5277161 Trichoderma guizhouense Trichoderma cuneisporum 5343382 Trichoderma cuneisporum Trichoderma epimyces 5277154 Trichoderma epimyces Trichoderma thelephoricola 789765 Trichoderma thelephoricola Hypocrea spinulosa 104182 Hypocrea spinulosa Trichoderma pleuroticola 114572 Trichoderma pleuroticola Trichoderma aureoviride 236001 Trichoderma aureoviride Trichoderma cerinum 927326 Trichoderma cerinum Trichoderma aerugineum 744701 Trichoderma aerugineum Trichoderma velutinum 855320 Trichoderma velutinum Trichoderma lycogaloides Trichoderma rossicum 326271 Trichoderma rossicum Trichoderma alni 5277153 Trichoderma alni Trichoderma ceramicum 4058280 Trichoderma ceramicum Hypocrea costaricensis 793434 Hypocrea costaricensis Trichoderma cinnamomeum 789769 Trichoderma cinnamomeum Trichoderma crassum 443162 Trichoderma crassum Hypocrea crassa Trichoderma parestonicum 219348 Trichoderma parestonicum Trichoderma tomentosum 626670 Trichoderma tomentosum Trichoderma virens 409099 Trichoderma virens Trichoderma virens Gv29-8 Trichoderma gelatinosum 4058294 Trichoderma gelatinosum Trichoderma catoptron 4058304 Trichoderma catoptron Hypocrea sulawesensis 793436 Hypocrea sulawesensis Trichoderma parepimyces 219345 Trichoderma parepimyces Trichoderma sinuosum 4058277 Trichoderma sinuosum Trichoderma phyllostachydis 4058265 Trichoderma phyllostachydis Trichoderma brunneoviride 4927837 Trichoderma brunneoviride Trichoderma amazonicum 673683 Trichoderma amazonicum Trichoderma pleuroti 5277160 Trichoderma pleuroti Trichoderma compactum 4058270 Trichoderma compactum Trichoderma surrotundum 602101 Trichoderma surrotundum Trichoderma strictipile 780778 Trichoderma strictipile Hypocrea strictipilis Trichoderma britannicum Trichoderma britannicum SB Trichoderma aggressivum 151293 Trichoderma aggressivum Trichoderma nigrovirens 4058259 Trichoderma nigrovirens Mapped from TreeBASE schema using org.cipres.treebase.domain.nexus.nexml.NexmlTreeBlockWriter@47c79ae4 $Rev: 1040 $ ot:changesCount Myr Maximum likelihood Tn11321697 Tn11321682 EF-1 RPB2 false Species Tree 52 Unrated Single true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true