Hong C. Copes W.E. Yang X. Yang X., Copes W.E., & Hong C. 2013-12-04 Fungal Biology Phytophthora stricta; Phytophthora macilentosa; irrigation water; high temperature-tolerant cluster Two novel species representing a new clade and cluster of Phytophthora Yang X., Copes W.E., & Hong C. 2014. Two novel species representing a new clade and cluster of Phytophthora. Fungal Biology , 118: 72-82. pythonVersion 2.7.3 pythonImplementation CPython All life ^dc:contributor ^dc:creator ^dc:date ^dc:publisher ^dc:subject ^dc:title ^dcterms:bibliographicCitation ^ot:comment ^prism:creationDate ^prism:doi ^prism:endingPage ^prism:modificationDate ^prism:pageRange ^prism:publicationDate ^prism:publicationName ^prism:section ^prism:startingPage ^prism:volume ^skos:changeNote ^skos:historyNote ^tb:identifier.study ^tb:title.study @label ^skos:historyNote @label Tl1149561 Tl1149679 Tl1149688 Tl1149577 Tl1149744 Tl1149754 Tl1149769 Tl1149579 Tl1149615 Tl1149636 Tl1149593 Tl1149691 Tl1149603 Tl1149762 Tl1149609 Tl1149627 Tl1149674 Tl1149755 Tl1149661 Tl1149697 Tl1149750 Tl1149760 ^skos:historyNote @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label ^ot:isTaxonExemplar @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label ^ot:isTaxonExemplar ^ot:isTaxonExemplar @label @label @label ^ot:isTaxonExemplar @label @label @label @label @label ^ot:isTaxonExemplar @label @label @label ^ot:isTaxonExemplar @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label ^ot:isTaxonExemplar @label @label @label @label @label @label @label ^ot:isTaxonExemplar @label ^ot:isTaxonExemplar @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label @label ^ot:branchLengthMode ^tb:kind.tree ^tb:ntax.tree ^tb:quality.tree ^tb:type.tree ^ot:ottId ^ot:branchLengthMode ^tb:kind.tree ^tb:ntax.tree ^tb:quality.tree ^tb:type.tree Tr64893 Dail Laughinghouse 775740 Phytophthora false ot_44 Yang X., Copes W.E., & Hong C. 2014. Two novel species representing a new clade and cluster of Phytophthora. Fungal Biology , 118: 72-82. 2014 2013-07-10 10.1016/j.funbio.2013.11.003 82 2013-12-04 72-82 2014 Fungal Biology Study 72 118 Generated on Sun Jun 29 16:30:53 EDT 2014 Mapped from TreeBASE schema using org.cipres.treebase.domain.nexus.nexml.NexmlDocumentWriter@27aa9002 $Rev: 1060 $ 14477 Two novel Phytophthora species from irrigation water of an ornamental plant nursery in Mississippi Mapped from TreeBASE schema using org.cipres.treebase.domain.nexus.nexml.NexmlOTUWriter@468bb9ae $Rev: 1040 $ Phytophthora fragariae isolateA2 AY564177 152482 Phytophthora fragariae Phytophthora primulae 29E9 KF358238 662694 Phytophthora primulae Phytophthora megakarya P1664 HQ261611 252692 Phytophthora megakarya Phytophthora borealis AKWA58.1.0708 HM004232 53956 Phytophthora borealis Phytophthora alni subsp. uniformis P875 AF139367 909697 Phytophthora alni Phytophthora irrigata 23J7 KC733453 342762 Phytophthora irrigata Phytophthora humicola 32F8 KF112855 88466 Phytophthora humicola Phytophthora mississippiae 57J3 KF112860 5219287 Phytophthora mississippiae Phytophthora inflata IMI342898 AY564187 88468 Phytophthora inflata Phytophthora austrocedrae 41B6 KF358220 527063 Phytophthora austrocedrae Phytophthora nicotianae 22F9 KF317070 524651 Phytophthora nicotianae Phytophthora mengei 42B2 EU748545 1054669 Phytophthora mengei Phytophthora fallax 310L DQ297391 834837 Phytophthora fallax Pythium aphanidermatum P2 AY564163 504920 Pythium aphanidermatum Pythium aphanidermatum P1779 GU983641 504920 Pythium aphanidermatum Phytophthora melonis 32F6 KF317088 262028 Phytophthora melonis Phytophthora citrophthora 3E5 KF317096 252699 Phytophthora citrophthora Phytophthora tentaculata CBS41296 DQ335634 662695 Phytophthora tentaculata Phytophthora rosacearum 22J9 KF112864 677241 Phytophthora rosacearum Phytophthora porri CBS56786 HQ643318 88503 Phytophthora porri Phytophthora aquimorbida Phytophthora aquimorbida 40A6 FJ666127 Phytophthora citricola 33H8 KF317095 152480 Phytophthora citricola Phytophthora stricta 58A3 KF192704 5343360 Phytophthora stricta Phytophthora heveae IMI180616 AF266770 88464 Phytophthora heveae Phytophthora ramorum CBS101553 EU427470 769955 Phytophthora ramorum Phytophthora clandestina IMI287317 AY564172 103293 Phytophthora clandestina Phytophthora cambivora CBS114085 HQ643178 152479 Phytophthora cambivora Phytophthora parsiana 47C3 KC733446 1084178 Phytophthora parsiana Phytophthora lacustris P245 AF266793 626100 Phytophthora lacustris Phytophthora ilicis CBS114348 JX524159 103294 Phytophthora ilicis Phytophthora insolita 38E1 AY564188 1070126 Phytophthora insolita Phytophthora psychrophila 29J5 KF358227 605931 Phytophthora psychrophila Phytophthora cajani 33D9 KF358221 609882 Phytophthora cajani Phytophthora elongata CBS125799 GQ847754 569798 Phytophthora elongata Phytophthora cryptogea HR1.ss.pp.99 AY564174 775732 Phytophthora cryptogea Phytophthora riparia 3.100B9F HM004225 53952 Phytophthora riparia Phytophthora macilentosa 58A5 KF192698 5343363 Phytophthora macilentosa Phytophthora multivora WAC13201 FJ237521 648173 Phytophthora multivora Phytophthora alticola 47G5 KF317084 516856 Phytophthora alticola Phytophthora rubi CBS96795 HQ643340 662691 Phytophthora rubi Phytophthora colocasiae 35D3 KF317076 88463 Phytophthora colocasiae Phytophthora gemini CBS123381 FJ217680 807550 Phytophthora gemini Phytophthora cinnamomi CBS14422 HQ643189 775735 Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora mirabilis Pic99129 AY564153 88500 Phytophthora mirabilis Phytophthora capensis P1819 GU191219 917834 Phytophthora capensis Phytophthora megasperma IMI133317 AY564194 775722 Phytophthora megasperma Phytophthora macilentosa 58A8 KF192709 5343363 Phytophthora macilentosa Phytophthora inundata 30J3 KF112863 572665 Phytophthora inundata Phytophthora captiosa 310C DQ297402 505188 Phytophthora captiosa Phytophthora foliorum LT192.010505 EU124918 480561 Phytophthora foliorum Phytophthora quininea CBS40748 AY564200 715674 Phytophthora quininea Phytophthora virginiae 46A2 KC295544 5385440 Phytophthora virginiana Phytophthora stricta 58A3 KF192696 5343360 Phytophthora stricta Phytophthora phaseoli CBS55688 HQ643309 88502 Phytophthora phaseoli Phytophthora andina EC3421 AY770738 36776 Phytophthora andina Phytophthora phaseoli CBS55688 AY564159 88502 Phytophthora phaseoli Phytophthora rubi R49 DQ674736 662691 Phytophthora rubi Phytophthora lactucae BPIC1985 KC478768 4028574 Phytophthora lactucae Phytophthora stricta 58A1 KF192702 5343360 Phytophthora stricta Phytophthora austrocedrae 41B6 KF358233 527063 Phytophthora austrocedrae Phytophthora polonica 49J9 KC733456 212631 Phytophthora polonica Phytophthora plurivora 22E9 KF317080 1089387 Phytophthora plurivora Phytophthora vignae CBS24173 AY564205 740159 Phytophthora vignae Phytophthora litoralis CBS127953 HQ012948 357787 Phytophthora litoralis Phytophthora pseudotsugae CBS44484 AY707988 152485 Phytophthora pseudotsugae Phytophthora constricta 55C3 KC733450 22496 Phytophthora constricta Phytophthora sansomeana 22J6 KF358231 559368 Phytophthora sansomeana Phytophthora colocasiae 35D3 KF317097 88463 Phytophthora colocasiae Phytophthora syringae CBS13223 AF380146 740158 Phytophthora syringae Phytophthora ramorum 10103 FJ801269 769955 Phytophthora ramorum Phytophthora stricta 58A4 KF192697 5343360 Phytophthora stricta Phytophthora gonapodyides 34A8 KF112854 23193 Phytophthora gonapodyides Phytophthora uliginosa 50A2 KF358232 605932 Phytophthora uliginosa Phytophthora citricola 33H8 KF317074 152480 Phytophthora citricola Phytophthora nemorosa 41C4 KF317082 459224 Phytophthora nemorosa Phytophthora multivesiculata CBS54596 AF266790 88501 Phytophthora multivesiculata Phytophthora meadii CBS21988 HQ643268 130119 Phytophthora meadii Phytophthora palmivora 22G9 KF317086 405030 Phytophthora palmivora Phytophthora macrochlamydospora 33E1 KC733445 740154 Phytophthora macrochlamydospora Phytophthora stricta 58A4 KF192705 5343360 Phytophthora stricta Phytophthora quercetorum 15C7 KF358228 399695 Phytophthora quercetorum Phytophthora infestans 27A8 KC733447 5279502 Phytophthora infestans (species if:232148 in Stramenopiles) Phytophthora erythroseptica CBS12923 HQ643221 552580 Phytophthora erythroseptica Phytophthora asparagi SP326 EF185089 610547 Phytophthora asparagi Phytophthora hibernalis CBS52277 HQ643241 81905 Phytophthora hibernalis Phytophthora gallica 50A1 KF317090 261630 Phytophthora gallica Phytophthora amnicola DH228 JQ029956 18110 Phytophthora amnicola Phytophthora pseudosyringae 30A8 KF317105 114629 Phytophthora pseudosyringae Phytophthora ipomoeae P10225 HQ261597 36769 Phytophthora ipomoeae Phytophthora hedraiandra CBS111725 AY769115 850408 Phytophthora hedraiandra Phytophthora richardiae 31E8 KF358242 1070127 Phytophthora richardiae Phytophthora tropicalis CBS43491 DQ464057 757305 Phytophthora tropicalis Phytophthora plurivora 22E9 KF317101 1089387 Phytophthora plurivora Phytophthora cichorii CBS115029 KC478773 4028572 Phytophthora cichorii Phytophthora iranica CBS37472 HQ643254 740155 Phytophthora iranica Phytophthora andina EC3421 AY564160 36776 Phytophthora andina Phytophthora multivesiculata CBS54596 AY564195 88501 Phytophthora multivesiculata Phytophthora parsiana 47C3 KC733455 1084178 Phytophthora parsiana Phytophthora richardiae 31E8 KF358230 1070127 Phytophthora richardiae Phytophthora glovera CBS121969 AF279124 129650 Phytophthora glovera Phytophthora gonapodyides 34A8 KC733448 23193 Phytophthora gonapodyides Phytophthora bilorbang CBS161653 JQ256377 798197 Phytophthora bilorbang Phytophthora pini 45F1 KF317100 1054670 Phytophthora pini Phytophthora siskiyouensis 41B7 KF317081 325901 Phytophthora siskiyouensis Phytophthora aquimorbida Phytophthora aquimorbida 40A6 GQ294536 Phytophthora idaei P6767 FJ801946 152484 Phytophthora idaei Phytophthora trifolii CBS117687 DQ335640 856914 Phytophthora trifolii Phytophthora syringae CBS36452 AY564203 740158 Phytophthora syringae Phytophthora alticola 47G5 KF317106 516856 Phytophthora alticola Phytophthora europaea CBS109049 AF449493 605928 Phytophthora europaea Phytophthora hydropathica 5D1 EU583793 342767 Phytophthora hydropathica Phytophthora citrophthora 3E5 KF317075 252699 Phytophthora citrophthora Phytophthora tropicalis PD97.11132 AY564161 757305 Phytophthora tropicalis Phytophthora mirabilis CBS67885 HQ643287 88500 Phytophthora mirabilis Phytophthora hedraiandra CBS111725 AY707987 850408 Phytophthora hedraiandra Phytophthora meadii CBS21988 AY564192 130119 Phytophthora meadii Phytophthora vignae P7471 HQ261723 740159 Phytophthora vignae Phytophthora stricta 58A1 KF192694 5343360 Phytophthora stricta Phytophthora polonica 49J9 KF358225 212631 Phytophthora polonica Phytophthora insolita PMC5 GU111612 1070126 Phytophthora insolita Phytophthora alni subsp. alni PAA130 DQ202500 909697 Phytophthora alni Phytophthora uliginosa 50A2 KF358244 605932 Phytophthora uliginosa Phytophthora alni subsp. alni P772 AY689133 909697 Phytophthora alni Phytophthora europaea ATCC.MYA1022 AB649200 605928 Phytophthora europaea Phytophthora nemorosa 41C4 KF317104 459224 Phytophthora nemorosa Phytophthora cambivora PC643 DQ202503 152479 Phytophthora cambivora Phytophthora thermophila CBS127954 EU301155 460107 Phytophthora thermophila Phytophthora fluvialis MURU468 JF701436 692904 Phytophthora fluvialis Phytophthora gibbosa CBS127951 HQ012933 460097 Phytophthora gibbosa Phytophthora dauci CBS127102 KC478761 4028573 Phytophthora dauci Phytophthora drechsleri 23J6 EU423315 405025 Phytophthora drechsleri Phytophthora alni subsp. multiformis P770 AF139368 909697 Phytophthora alni Phytophthora melonis 32F6 KF317110 262028 Phytophthora melonis Phytophthora capsici 22F4 KF317073 5279506 Phytophthora capsici (species ncbi:4784 in Stramenopiles) Phytophthora macilentosa 58A8 KF192701 5343363 Phytophthora macilentosa Phytophthora erythroseptica SCRP240 AY659587 552580 Phytophthora erythroseptica Phytophthora fragariae CBS20946 HQ643230 152482 Phytophthora fragariae Phytophthora lateralis IMI040503 AF266804 88499 Phytophthora lateralis Phytophthora obscura BBA2.94.IIB HQ917910 298295 Phytophthora obscura Phytophthora quininea CBS40648 DQ275189 715674 Phytophthora quininea Phytophthora stricta 58A2 KF192703 Phytophthora irrigata 23J7 EU334634 342762 Phytophthora irrigata Phytophthora medicaginis 23A4 KF358236 856913 Phytophthora medicaginis Phytophthora primulae 29E9 KF358226 662694 Phytophthora primulae Phytophthora inflata IMI342898 AF266789 88468 Phytophthora inflata Phytophthora pistaciae 41A9 KF358224 230520 Phytophthora pistaciae Phytophthora pseudotsugae CBS44484 AY769116 152485 Phytophthora pseudotsugae Phytophthora cactorum P6183 AY564167 710888 Phytophthora cactorum Phytophthora pinifolia CMW26668 JN935961 920999 Phytophthora pinifolia Phytophthora cactorum CBS113344 HQ643163 710888 Phytophthora cactorum Phytophthora sansomeana 22J6 KF358243 559368 Phytophthora sansomeana Phytophthora pinifolia CMW26668 EU725806 920999 Phytophthora pinifolia Phytophthora psychrophila 29J5 KF358239 605931 Phytophthora psychrophila Phytophthora cryptogea CBS11319 HQ643216 775732 Phytophthora cryptogea Phytophthora foliorum LT192 HQ261560 480561 Phytophthora foliorum Phytophthora inundata 30J3 KF112856 572665 Phytophthora inundata Phytophthora virginiae 46A2 KC295546 5385440 Phytophthora virginiana Phytophthora medicaginis 23A4 KF358223 856913 Phytophthora medicaginis Phytophthora morindae Ph697 FJ469147 391819 Phytophthora morindae Phytophthora botryosa 46C2 KF317093 609883 Phytophthora botryosa Phytophthora palmivora 22G9 KF317108 405030 Phytophthora palmivora Phytophthora siskiyouensis 41B7 KF317102 325901 Phytophthora siskiyouensis Phytophthora brassicae CBS17987 AF380148 359638 Phytophthora brassicae Phytophthora clandestina P3943 HQ261537 103293 Phytophthora clandestina Phytophthora macrochlamydospora 33E1 KC733454 740154 Phytophthora macrochlamydospora Phytophthora himalsilva isolate44 HM752784 4028478 Phytophthora himalsilva Phytophthora boehmeriae 45F8 KF317089 189661 Phytophthora boehmeriae Phytophthora infestans 27A8 KC733443 5279502 Phytophthora infestans (species if:232148 in Stramenopiles) Phytophthora rosacearum 22J9 KF112857 677241 Phytophthora rosacearum Phytophthora gregata CBS127952 HQ012942 460101 Phytophthora gregata Phytophthora katsurae 22H6 KF317087 88498 Phytophthora katsurae Phytophthora sojae 28F9 KC733444 740156 Phytophthora sojae Phytophthora humicola 32F8 KF112862 88466 Phytophthora humicola Phytophthora ipomoeae Pic99165 AY564158 36769 Phytophthora ipomoeae Phytophthora quercetorum 15C7 KF358240 399695 Phytophthora quercetorum Phytophthora quercina 30A5 KF358229 23194 Phytophthora quercina Phytophthora capsici 22F4 KF317094 5279506 Phytophthora capsici (species ncbi:4784 in Stramenopiles) Phytophthora idaei IMI313727 AY564185 152484 Phytophthora idaei Phytophthora brassicae CBS17987 AY564198 359638 Phytophthora brassicae Phytophthora mississippiae 57J3 KF112852 5219287 Phytophthora mississippiae Phytophthora captiosa 46H7 KC733449 505188 Phytophthora captiosa Phytophthora pini 45F1 KF317079 1054670 Phytophthora pini Phytophthora cajani 33D9 KF358234 609882 Phytophthora cajani Phytophthora megasperma CBS40272 HQ643275 775722 Phytophthora megasperma Phytophthora hydrogena 46A3 KC249962 4028432 Phytophthora hydrogena Phytophthora ilicis CBS114348 JX524158 103294 Phytophthora ilicis Phytophthora hibernalis CBS52277 AY564183 81905 Phytophthora hibernalis Phytophthora macilentosa 58A7 KF192700 Phytophthora megakarya IMI337098 AY564193 252692 Phytophthora megakarya Phytophthora pseudosyringae 30A8 KF317083 114629 Phytophthora pseudosyringae Phytophthora bisheria 29D2 KF317092 466152 Phytophthora bisheria Phytophthora fallax 46J2 KC733451 834837 Phytophthora fallax Phytophthora frigida 47G8 KF317098 291839 Phytophthora frigida Phytophthora macilentosa 58A5 KF192706 Phytophthora hydropathica 5D1 KC733452 342767 Phytophthora hydropathica Phytophthora chrysanthemi GF749 AB437135 925922 Phytophthora chrysanthemi Phytophthora pistaciae 41A9 KF358237 230520 Phytophthora pistaciae Phytophthora hydrogena 46A3 KC249959 Phytophthora stricta 58A2 KF192695 5343360 Phytophthora stricta Phytophthora arenaria CBS127950 HQ013219 595343 Phytophthora arenaria Phytophthora katsurae 22H6 KF317109 88498 Phytophthora katsurae Phytophthora constricta CBS125801 HQ013225 22496 Phytophthora constricta Phytophthora frigida 47G8 KF317077 291839 Phytophthora frigida Phytophthora macilentosa 58A6 KF192707 Phytophthora heveae CBS29629 AY564182 88464 Phytophthora heveae Phytophthora macilentosa 58A7 KF192708 5343363 Phytophthora macilentosa Phytophthora bisheria 29D2 KF317071 466152 Phytophthora bisheria Phytophthora mexicana 30G7 KF317078 399694 Phytophthora mexicana Phytophthora kernoviae 46C9 KF358222 22095 Phytophthora kernoviae Phytophthora pluvialis OSC.LC.9.2.020508 KC529657 4922174 Phytophthora pluvialis Phytophthora cinnamomi 10A6 AY564169 775735 Phytophthora cinnamomi Phytophthora lateralis CBS16842 AY564191 88499 Phytophthora lateralis Phytophthora macilentosa 58A6 KF192699 Phytophthora botryosa 46C2 KF317072 609883 Phytophthora botryosa Mapped from TreeBASE schema using org.cipres.treebase.domain.nexus.nexml.NexmlTreeBlockWriter@4dcd0b77 $Rev: 1040 $ true Species Tree 87 Unrated Single true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true Maximum likelihood Tn10290351 Tn10290508 false Species Tree 127 Unrated Single true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true 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