pythonVersion 2.7.9 pythonImplementation CPython Birds false Source data for tree(s) 'tree1' tree1 Source data for tree(s) 'tree2' tree2 ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:bootstrapValues ^ot:ottId ^ot:comment ^ot:nodeLabelDescription ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit tree2 Joseph W. Brown 765193 Anatidae false ot_731 Ottenburghs, Jente, Hendrik-Jan Megens, Robert H.S. Kraus, Ole Madsen, Pim van Hooft, Sipke E. van Wieren, Richard P.M.A. Crooijmans, Ronald C. Ydenberg, Martien A.M. Groenen, Herbert H.T. Prins. 2016. A Tree of Geese: A Phylogenomic Perspective on the Evolutionary History of True Geese. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 101: 303-313. 2016 Branta bernicla nigricans 799107 Branta bernicla nigricans Anser canagicus 166688 Anser canagica Anser caerulescens 190878 Anser caerulescens Anser rossii 767830 Anser rossii Anser anser 190887 Anser anser Anser cygnoides 190892 Anser cygnoides Anser albifrons 430239 Anser albifrons Anser erythropus 691333 Anser erythropus Anser fabalis 325140 Anser fabalis Anser brachyrhynchus 970372 Anser brachyrhynchus Anser serrirostris 3595909 Anser serrirostris Branta bernicla bernicla Branta bernicla hrota 799134 Branta bernicla hrota Branta ruficollis 799106 Branta ruficollis Branta sandvicensis 767835 Branta sandvicensis Branta canadensis 714461 Branta canadensis Branta leucopsis 799124 Branta leucopsis Branta hutchinsii 972531 Branta hutchinsii Anser indicus 190897 Anser indicus ot:substitutionCount Myr Maximum likelihood node1 ot:bootstrapValues node1 false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 95 ot:time Myr Bayesian inference node38 node38 false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true