--embed --agent-only pythonVersion 2.7.5+ pythonImplementation CPython All life false ^ot:comment ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit ^ot:nodeLabelMode ^ot:nodeLabelTimeUnit tree6231 Chris Owen Karen Cranston 827263 Caniformia false pg_1646 Higdon J. W., Bininda-Emonds O. R. P., Beck R. M. D., Ferguson S. H. 2007. Phylogeny and divergence of the pinnipeds (Carnivora: Mammalia) assessed using a multigene dataset. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8: 216. 2007 Phoca caspica 22064 Pusa caspica Tl33536 Hydrurga leptonyx 180388 Hydrurga leptonyx Tl33537 Cystophora cristata 132779 Cystophora cristata Tl33538 Otaria byronia 273182 Otaria byronia Tl33543 Arctocephalus forsteri 180381 Arctocephalus forsteri Tl33549 Phoca largha 89833 Phoca largha Tl33558 Arctocephalus australis 796568 Arctocephalus australis Tl33569 Phoca hispida 175251 Pusa hispida Tl33571 Halichoerus grypus 1040694 Halichoerus grypus Tl33577 Monachus monachus 759722 Monachus monachus Tl33578 Eumetopias jubatus 949686 Eumetopias jubatus Tl33579 Phoca vitulina 698422 Phoca vitulina Tl33580 Phoca groenlandica 664062 Phoca groenlandica Tl33581 Ommatophoca rossii 539106 Ommatophoca rossii Tl33590 Arctocephalus gazella 336157 Arctocephalus gazella Tl33595 Odobenus rosmarus 749644 Odobenus rosmarus Tl33598 Erignathus barbatus 931413 Erignathus barbatus Tl33603 Mirounga angustirostris 175268 Mirounga angustirostris Tl33607 Lobodon carcinophagus 492021 Lobodon carcinophaga Tl33608 Canidae 770319 Canidae Tl42732 Ursidae 297458 Ursidae Tl42752 Phoca fasciata 664065 Phoca fasciata Tl53090 Mirounga leonina 175270 Mirounga leonina Tl53091 Monachus schauinslandi 180367 Monachus schauinslandi Tl53092 Phoca sibirica 1040678 Pusa sibirica Tl53093 Arctocephalus philippii 796545 Arctocephalus philippii Tl53161 Phocarctos hookeri 949672 Phocarctos hookeri Tl53162 Arctocephalus pusillus 336156 Arctocephalus pusillus Tl53163 Arctocephalus townsendi 796557 Arctocephalus townsendi Tl53164 Callorhinus ursinus 949693 Callorhinus ursinus Tl53166 Neophoca cinerea 273179 Neophoca cinerea Tl53167 Zalophus californianus 95364 Zalophus californianus Tl53168 Arctocephalus galapagoensis 590445 Arctocephalus galapagoensis Tl53169 Leptonychotes weddellii 175259 Leptonychotes weddellii Tl70385 Arctocephalus tropicalis 336151 Arctocephalus tropicalis Tl70386 Monachus tropicalis 3612943 Monachus tropicalis ot:time Myr supertree - best dates node1076520 node1076518 false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true ot:time Myr supertree - lower dates node1076591 true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true ot:time Myr supertree - upper dates node1076662 true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true