--embed --agent-only pythonVersion 2.7.5+ pythonImplementation CPython ^ot:ottId Chris Owen 1007159 Hexactinellida pg_2544 Dohrmann, M., Janussen D., Reitner J., Collins A., & Woerheide G. 2008. Phylogeny and evolution of glass sponges (Porifera, Hexactinellida). Systematic Biology 57 (3): 388-405. 2008 Aphrocallistes 823198 Aphrocallistes Tl13056 Rhabdopectella tintinnus 154395 Rhabdopectella tintinnus Tl215109 Soleneiscus stolonifer 969051 Soleneiscus stolonifer Tl215110 Iphiteon panicea 697346 Iphiteon panicea Tl215115 Plakortis simplex 373945 Plakortis simplex Tl215117 Montastraea franksi 955289 Montastraea franksi Tl215118 Antipathes galapagensis 80609 Antipathes galapagensis Tl215120 Oscarella tuberculata 373943 Oscarella tuberculata Tl215121 Suberites ficus 747324 Suberites ficus Tl215122 Walteria leuckarti 625392 Walteria leuckarti Tl215125 Rossella racovitzae 625389 Rossella racovitzae Tl215126 Atolla vanhoeffeni 849123 Atolla vanhoeffeni Tl215128 Aulosaccus mitsukurii 972745 Aulosaccus mitsukurii Tl215130 Aphrocallistes vastus 823199 Aphrocallistes vastus Tl215131 Sericolophus hawaiicus 154398 Sericolophus hawaiicus Tl215132 Acanthascus dawsoni 459545 Acanthascus dawsoni Tl215133 Tretodictyum tubulosum 154396 Tretodictyum tubulosum Tl215134 Clathrochone clathroclada 459555 Clathrochone clathroclada Tl215137 Caulophacus weddelli 612405 Caulophacus weddelli Tl215140 Hyalonema sp1 677703 Hyalonema sp. HBOI 23-VIII-93-4-001 Tl215141 Rossella nuda 459543 Rossella nuda Tl215143 Bathydorus spinosus 625390 Bathydorus spinosus Tl215146 Caulophacella tenuis 103769 Caulophacella tenuis Tl215147 Malacosaccus coatsi 154407 Malacosaccus coatsi Tl215148 Caulophacus arcticus 612407 Caulophacus arcticus Tl215157 Acoelocalyx brucei 154406 Acoelocalyx brucei Tl215158 Trichoplax sp 787234 Trichoplax sp. H8 Tl215160 Semperella schulzei 154403 Semperella schulzei Tl215161 Spongilla lacustris 588761 Spongilla lacustris Tl215162 Heterochone calyx 399206 Heterochone calyx Tl215163 Crateromorpha meyeri 103767 Crateromorpha meyeri Tl215165 Aplysina fistularis 439207 Aplysina fistularis Tl215169 Plectroninia neocaledoniense 293075 Plectroninia neocaledoniense Tl215170 Euplectella sp2 625393 Euplectella sp. HBOI 12-XI-86-1-054 Tl215171 Mycale fibrexilis 173161 Mycale fibrexilis Tl215172 Monosiga brevicollis 281703 Monosiga brevicollis Tl215177 Oopsacas minuta 351698 Oopsacas minuta Tl215179 Dysidea 197752 Dysidea Tl215180 Hexactinella carolinensis 154392 Hexactinella carolinensis Tl215181 Heterochone sp 920851 Heterochone sp. SMF 10523 Tl215185 Euplectella sp1 625394 Euplectella sp. HBOI 19-XI-86-1-001 Tl215186 Caulophacus valdiviae 103768 Caulophacus valdiviae Tl215187 Rossella nodastrella 459539 Nodastrella nodastrella Tl215188 Grantiopsis sp 293079 Grantiopsis sp. G313969 Tl215191 Hydra littoralis 111442 Hydra littoralis Tl24846 Pheronema sp. 920856 Pheronema sp. HBOI 10-VI-91-1-001 Tl82343 Lophocalyx n. sp. 103770 Lophocalyx profundum Tl82352 Rossellinae n gen Tl82356 Hyalonema sp2 677702 Hyalonema sp. HBOI 21-V-93-1-006 Tl82360 Leucopsacus sp. 625391 Leucopsacus sp. BX12/6 Tl82361 Farrea occa 887621 Farrea occa Tl82368 Leucascus sp. 969055 Leucascus sp. G316051 Tl82375 Heterochone 399207 Heterochone Tl82381 Demospongiae s str 67816 Demospongiae Tl82382 Aulosaccus 103765 Aulosaccus Tl82383 Oopsacas 879567 Oopsacas Tl82384 Semperella 576171 Semperella Tl82385 Lophocalyx 677699 Lophocalyx Tl82386 Rhabdopectella 758625 Rhabdopectella Tl82387 Bathydorus 184201 Bathydorus Tl82388 Choanoflagellata 202765 Choanoflagellida Tl82389 Crateromorpha 486459 Crateromorpha Tl82390 Rossellinae gen nov Tl82391 Malacosaccus 758623 Malacosaccus Tl82392 Pheronema 235296 Pheronema Tl82393 Calcarea 161887 Calcarea Tl82394 Clathrochone 184199 Clathrochone Tl82395 Iphiteon 697345 Iphiteon Tl82396 Hyalonema 235297 Hyalonema Tl82397 Sericolophus 235295 Sericolophus Tl82398 Walteria 758627 Walteria Tl82399 Euplectella 758626 Euplectella Tl82400 Leucopsacus 758633 Leucopsacus Tl82401 Acanthascus 184202 Acanthascus Tl82402 Farrea 887624 Farrea Tl82403 Rossella 486464 Rossella Tl82404 Acoelocalyx 758622 Acoelocalyx Tl82405 Homoscleromorpha 519088 Homoscleromorpha Tl82406 Caulophacella 677696 Caulophacella Tl82407 Eumetazoa 641038 Eumetazoa Tl82408 Caulophacus 677697 Caulophacus Tl82409 Tretodictyum 235293 Tretodictyum Tl82410 Hexactinella 154397 Hexactinella Tl82411 Fig. 3a- MP node944598 true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true Fig. 3b- MP node944641 true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true Fig 2. BI node1120655 true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true