--embed --agent-only pythonVersion 2.7.5+ pythonImplementation CPython ^ot:ottId otu391279 otu391280 ^ot:dataDeposit tree6117 Jiabin Deng 429482 Malpighiales pg_2610 Xi, Z., Ruhfel, B. R., Schaefer, H., Amorim, A. M., Sugumaran, M., Wurdack, K. J., ... & Davis, C. C. (2012). Phylogenomics and a posteriori data partitioning resolve the Cretaceous angiosperm radiation Malpighiales. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(43), 17519-17524. 2012 cpDNA ingroup added for combined gene tree Populus alba 1030862 Populus alba Populus trichocarpa 8861 Populus trichocarpa Scyphostegia 703491 Scyphostegia Casearia 510621 Casearia Lacistema 1037110 Lacistema Passiflora 530199 Passiflora Turnera 762469 Turnera Caloncoba 737361 Caloncoba Viola 295597 Viola Goupia 737589 Goupia Schistostemon 1092052 Schistostemon Humiria 1000236 Humiria Flueggea 825578 Flueggea Phyllanthus Podocalyx 109264 Podocalyx Linum 1000260 Linum Ixonanthes 729256 Ixonanthes Manihot 339367 Manihot Euphorbia 864036 Euphorbia Jatropha 864024 Jatropha Pera 734593 Pera Euphronia 669065 Euphronia Chrysobalanus 1009817 Chrysobalanus Trigonia 783920 Trigonia Dichapetalum 1035667 Dichapetalum Balanops 783908 Balanops Anthodiscus 864511 Anthodiscus Centroplacus 477243 Centroplacus Bhesa 730519 Bhesa Byrsonima 991893 Byrsonima Bergia 387179 Bergia Putranjiva 125082 Putranjiva Triadenum 949354 Triadenum Hypericum ACGT 974217 Hypericum Hypericum AGCT 974217 Hypericum Vismia 949348 Vismia Podostemum 38691 Podostemum Mammea 149786 Mammea Clusia 524906 Clusia Garcinia 766175 Garcinia Ploiarium 862532 Ploiarium Quiina 288524 Quiina Medusagyne 288530 Medusagyne Ouratea 684368 Ouratea Erythroxylum 394975 Erythroxylum Rhizophora 81498 Rhizophora Ctenolophon 387174 Ctenolophon Galearia 1011990 Galearia Microdesmis 31618 Microdesmis Irvingia 425647 Irvingia Elaeodendron 806630 Elaeodendron Averrhoa 721421 Averrhoa Medicago 1086823 Medicago Cucumis 1006254 Cucumis Arabidopsis 309275 Arabidopsis Vitis 329893 Vitis Nicotiana 797191 Nicotiana Calycanthus 930002 Calycanthus ML-cpDNA node1044935 node1044928 false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true