--embed --agent-only pythonVersion 2.7.5+ pythonImplementation CPython ^ot:dataDeposit tree149 Kristen Swithers pg_263 Swithers KS, Petrus AK, Secinaro MA, Nesbø CL, Gogarten JP, Noll KM, Butzin NC. 2012. Vitamin B12 synthesis and salvage pathways were acquired by horizontal gene transfer to the thermotogales. Genome Biology and Evolution 4 (8): 842-851. 2012 Thermotoga maritima MSB8 205396 Thermotoga maritima MSB8 Thermotoga sp. RQ2 891047 Thermotoga sp. RQ2 Thermotoga neapolitana 537298 Thermotoga neapolitana Thermotoga petrophila 229670 Thermotoga petrophila Thermotoga naphthophila 803629 Thermotoga naphthophila Thermotoga thermarum 785640 Thermotoga thermarum Thermotoga lettingae 641954 Thermotoga lettingae Thermosipho africanus TCF52B 794201 Thermosipho africanus TCF52B Thermosipho africanus H1760334 566449 Thermosipho africanus H17ap60334 Thermosipho melanesiensis 592664 Thermosipho melanesiensis Fervidobacterium nodosum 1001339 Fervidobacterium nodosum Kosmotoga olearia 37334 Kosmotoga olearia Mesotoga prima 225020 Mesotoga prima Petrotoga mobilis 442795 Petrotoga mobilis Thermotoga sp. RQ2 891047 Thermotoga sp. RQ2 ot:substitutionCount 23S-16S rRNA Maximum Likelihood node168270 node168270 false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true