--embed --agent-only pythonVersion 2.7.5+ pythonImplementation CPython otu195167 otu195168 otu195169 otu195170 otu195171 otu195172 otu195173 otu195175 otu195177 otu195178 otu195179 otu195180 otu195181 otu195183 otu195187 otu195184 otu195185 otu195186 otu195256 otu195257 otu195184 otu195186 otu195256 otu195257 otu195545 otu195188 otu195191 otu195189 otu195190 otu195192 otu195197 otu195200 otu195193 otu195194 otu195201 otu195202 otu195203 otu195204 otu195205 otu195206 otu195207 otu195208 otu195209 otu195210 otu195214 otu195211 otu195212 otu195213 otu195215 otu195216 otu195217 otu195219 otu195225 otu195226 otu195227 otu195231 otu195232 otu195234 otu195235 otu195246 otu195247 otu195248 otu195251 otu195253 otu195249 otu195250 otu195255 otu195258 otu195259 otu195260 otu195261 otu195264 otu195265 otu195267 otu195262 otu195263 otu195269 otu195270 ^ot:dataDeposit tree1489 bryan drew 673430 Ephedra pg_787 Rydin, C., & Korall, P. (2009). Evolutionary relationships in Ephedra (Gnetales), with implications for seed plant phylogeny. International journal of plant sciences, 170(8), 1031-1043. 2009 Huperzia 79111 Huperzia 02Ephedra likiangensis 563917 Ephedra likiangensis 74Ephedra likiangensis 563917 Ephedra likiangensis 07Ephedra minuta 202436 Ephedra minuta 63Ephedra minuta 202436 Ephedra minuta 61Ephedra minuta 202436 Ephedra minuta 04Ephedra equisetina 878619 Ephedra equisetina 35Ephedra equisetina 878619 Ephedra equisetina 71Ephedra majorprocera 682635 Ephedra major subsp. procera 79Ephedra equisetina 878619 Ephedra equisetina Ephedra monospermaMongolia 107397 Ephedra monosperma Ephedra rhytidosperma1 66079 Ephedra rhytidosperma Ephedra rhytidosperma2 66079 Ephedra rhytidosperma 26Ephedra gerardiana 285360 Ephedra gerardiana 59Ephedra gerardiana 285360 Ephedra gerardiana 68Ephedra gerardiana 285360 Ephedra gerardiana 114Ephedra spHedin 393198 Ephedra sp. Borna s.n. Ephedra saxatilis 666124 Ephedra saxatilis 05Ephedra majorZagreb 85987 Ephedra major 97newEphedra majorMakedonia 85987 Ephedra major 103Ephedra majorAlgeria 85987 Ephedra major 115Ephedra saxatilis 666124 Ephedra saxatilis 89Ephedra pachyclada 662665 Ephedra pachyclada 90Ephedra somalensis 159204 Ephedra somalensis Ephedra somalensis 159204 Ephedra somalensis Ephedra pachyclada 662665 Ephedra pachyclada 06Ephedra intermedia 202432 Ephedra intermedia 92Ephedra lomatolepis 626672 Ephedra lomatolepis 102Ephedra lomatolepis 626672 Ephedra lomatolepis 27Ephedra sp 673430 Ephedra Ephedra przewalskii 563921 Ephedra przewalskii 66Ephedra intermedia 202432 Ephedra intermedia Ephedra fedtschenkoae 159203 Ephedra fedtschenkoae Ephedra regeliana 948083 Ephedra regeliana Ephedra intermediaKazakhstan 202432 Ephedra intermedia 28Ephedra sinica 332582 Ephedra sinica 33Ephedra sinica 332582 Ephedra sinica 69Ephedra distachya 673442 Ephedra distachya 77Ephedra distachya 673442 Ephedra distachya 99Ephedra distachyaUkraina 673442 Ephedra distachya Ephedra distachyaSyria 673442 Ephedra distachya Ephedra distachyaTurkey 673442 Ephedra distachya Ephedra distachyaHelv 673442 Ephedra distachya Ephedra distachyaKazakhstan 673442 Ephedra distachya 105Ephedra sarcocarpa 54055 Ephedra sarcocarpa 111Ephedra transistoria 726976 Ephedra transitoria Ephedra transistoria 726976 Ephedra transitoria 107Ephedra strobilacea 159202 Ephedra strobilacea Ephedra sarcocarpa 54055 Ephedra sarcocarpa Ephedra strobilacea 159202 Ephedra strobilacea 64Ephedra antisyphilitica 983639 Ephedra antisyphilitica Ephedra antisyphilitica 983639 Ephedra antisyphilitica Ephedra coryi 626702 Ephedra coryi 67Ephedra torreyana 717724 Ephedra torreyana 72Ephedra nevadensis 54058 Ephedra nevadensis Ephedra aspera 467864 Ephedra aspera Ephedra cutleri 626703 Ephedra cutleri Ephedra fasciculata 626671 Ephedra fasciculata Ephedra funerea 159201 Ephedra funerea Ephedra torreyana 717724 Ephedra torreyana 34Ephedra californica 666125 Ephedra californica Ephedra californica 666125 Ephedra californica 70Ephedra trifurca 78159 Ephedra trifurca 91Ephedra viridis 117279 Ephedra viridis Ephedra compacta 682633 Ephedra compacta 08Ephedra frustillata 202439 Ephedra frustillata 30Ephedra frustillata 202439 Ephedra frustillata 25Ephedra andina 878618 Ephedra andina 60Ephedra chilensis 628861 Ephedra chilensis 75Ephedra chilensis 628861 Ephedra chilensis Ephedra americana 107385 Ephedra americana Ephedra boelkei 682640 Ephedra boelkei Ephedra multiflora 682638 Ephedra multiflora Ephedra gracilis 159199 Ephedra gracilis Ephedra ochreata 948049 Ephedra ochreata Ephedra breana 682641 Ephedra breana 73Ephedra rupestris 159200 Ephedra rupestris 76Ephedra tweediana 99237 Ephedra tweediana Ephedra triandra 682639 Ephedra triandra Ephedra pedunculata 54056 Ephedra pedunculata 84Ephedra foliataEphedra gypt 703034 Ephedra foliata 95Ephedra foliataArabia 703034 Ephedra foliata 96Ephedra foliataSomalia 703034 Ephedra foliata Ephedra laristanica 629992 Ephedra laristanica 110Ephedra laristanica 629992 Ephedra laristanica 85Ephedra foliataIran 703034 Ephedra foliata 86Ephedra ciliataAfganistan 703046 Ephedra ciliata 94Ephedra foliataArabia 703034 Ephedra foliata 116Ephedra milleri 393199 Ephedra milleri 80Ephedra aphylla 626696 Ephedra aphylla 88Ephedra majorSpain 85987 Ephedra major 98majorAlikante 85987 Ephedra major Ephedra aphyllaItaly 626696 Ephedra aphylla Ephedra aphyllaJordan 626696 Ephedra aphylla Ephedra fragilisJordan 185192 Ephedra fragilis Ephedra fragilisEphedra urope 185192 Ephedra fragilis 81Ephedra altissima 99235 Ephedra altissima 82Ephedra altissima 99235 Ephedra altissima 101Ephedra fragilisMorocco 185192 Ephedra fragilis 109Ephedra fragilisMorocco 185192 Ephedra fragilis 83Ephedra alata 703035 Ephedra alata 37Ephedra fragilis 185192 Ephedra fragilis 87Ephedra campylopodaTurkey 703045 Ephedra campylopoda 93Ephedra foemina 689494 Ephedra foeminea Ephedra foemina 689494 Ephedra foeminea Gnetum cuspidatum 691084 Gnetum cuspidatum Gnetum ula 673438 Gnetum ula Gnetum indicum 567410 Gnetum indicum Gnetum montanum 673440 Gnetum montanum Gnetum parvifolium 332581 Gnetum parvifolium Gnetum gnemonoides 692327 Gnetum gnemonoides Gnetum africanum 302331 Gnetum africanum Gnetum leyboldii 425764 Gnetum leyboldii Gnetum nodiflorum 717782 Gnetum nodiflorum Gnetum schwackeanum 4001575 Gnetum schwackeanum Gnetum urens 717781 Gnetum urens Gnetum costatum 567406 Gnetum costatum Gnetum gnemon 673436 Gnetum gnemon Welwitschia mirabilis 47947 Welwitschia mirabilis Pseudotsuga menziesii 1075713 Pseudotsuga menziesii Larix leptolepis 154040 Larix kaempferi Pinus wallichiana 568632 Pinus wallichiana Pinus cembra 61771 Pinus cembra Pinus strobus 568616 Pinus strobus Pinus peuce 837891 Pinus peuce Pinus hybrid 245809 Pinus elliottii Pinus mugo 1069751 Pinus mugo Picea hybrid 3866647 Picea hybr Picea asperata 463852 Picea asperata Picea breweriana 1000591 Picea breweriana Cedrus 924422 Cedrus Abies 994065 Abies Tsuga canadensis 117276 Tsuga canadensis Thuja plicata 463725 Thuja plicata Thujopsis dolabrata 665925 Thujopsis dolabrata Juniperus 836788 Juniperus Cupressus 949942 Cupressus Calocedrus decurrens 1080789 Calocedrus decurrens Chamaecyparis 324771 Chamaecyparis Taxodium distichum 538146 Taxodium distichum Sequoia sempervirens 538150 Sequoia sempervirens Sequoiadendron gig 810380 Sequoiadendron giganteum Metasequoia glypt 47954 Metasequoia glyptostroboides Taxus 684213 Taxus Cephalotaxus 1015532 Cephalotaxus Sciadopitys vert 164658 Sciadopitys verticillata Phyllocladus 238572 Phyllocladus Podocarpus 620761 Podocarpus Araucaria 786680 Araucaria Ginkgo 950165 Ginkgo Cycas revoluta 99246 Cycas revoluta Cycas hybrid 408490 Cycas taitungensis Zamia pumila 616613 Zamia pumila Zamia hybrid 285361 Zamia furfuracea Encephalartos villosus 107382 Encephalartos villosus Dioon sp 58084 Dioon sp. CR-2001 Bowenia serrulata 725939 Bowenia serrulata Ceratozamia mexicana 379030 Ceratozamia mexicana Amborella 303952 Amborella Nuphar 583532 Nuphar Nymphaea 583523 Nymphaea Austrobaileya 625041 Austrobaileya Illicium 35784 Illicium Magnolia 288480 Magnolia Liriodendron 863069 Liriodendron Sassafras 998888 Sassafras Cinnamomum 849191 Cinnamomum Drimys 777323 Drimys Lactoris 37781 Lactoris Piper 283089 Piper Chloranthus 815629 Chloranthus Acorus 1008191 Acorus Agave 973369 Agave Zingiber 730913 Zingiber Gunnera 493674 Gunnera Ribes 560321 Ribes Myriophyllum 1009624 Myriophyllum Tetracarpaea 120959 Tetracarpaea Paeonia 747767 Paeonia Hamamelis 60700 Hamamelis Liquidambar 60642 Liquidambar Eucryphia 1035586 Eucryphia Plumbago 532292 Plumbago Impatiens 928414 Impatiens Lysimachia 635474 Lysimachia Polemonium 173581 Polemonium Tragopogon 143408 Tragopogon Trochodendron 62528 Trochodendron Tetracentron 194277 Tetracentron Platanus 62539 Platanus Polypodium 590514 Polypodium Blechnum 340305 Blechnum Asplenium 38492 Asplenium Pteridium 195643 Pteridium Adiantum 164367 Adiantum Dicksonia 667489 Dicksonia Vandenboschia 290290 Vandenboschia Osmunda 41628 Osmunda Equisetum 719034 Equisetum Angiopteris 93172 Angiopteris Ophioglossum 113201 Ophioglossum Botrychium 687363 Botrychium Psilotum 769692 Psilotum Tmesipteris 918768 Tmesipteris 97Ephedra majorMakedonia 85987 Ephedra major ot:substitutionCount BI majority rule consensus tree node456713 true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true ot:posteriorSupport BI majority rule consensus tree node457437 node457432 false true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true true